Wrath of Carnage

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Venom woke to the smell of bacon.

He opened his slits of eyes and blinked them to see the sun was rising. He groaned as he slid off the couch and onto the floor. The memories hit him hard as he remembered where he was. He smiled to himself, thinking about how he met Vivi and her acceptance to his alien nature. He looked over the couch to see her cooking at the stove. Her hair was combed up into a loose ponytail and held by a green headband. She was wearing a black sweater with white leggings and black flats. Humming to herself, she placed two plates on the table and went back to cooking the eggs.

A set of arms wrapped around her waist, making her nearly drop her spatula. She squeaked as Venom rested his head on hers.

"I see you're awake," She commented, stirring the eggs. "Did you sleep well?"

"With the kinks in my neck I hardly noticed." He said, his hissing laughter filling her ears.

She smiled and reached behind her to swat him with her spatula. Thanks to spider sense, he was able to avoid it, making her stumble in the process. Acting fast, he reached his arm out and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Nice catch." She grumbled, getting out of his grasp. "But I can catch myself."

"Your welcome." Venom said, making her roll her eyes.

"Come on, I want you to at least eat breakfast before you go out and do your crimes. Which by the way will get you caught if you don't stop this fighting game." She mentioned, placing the eggs and bacon on the platters.

Venom sat down at the table and started to scarf down his portion of breakfast, getting a disgusted look from Vivi. She slowly ate hers before bringing out a small pocket notebook and pencil. She placed her fork down and started to write the details of Venom from his slimy tongue to his sharp claws. Venom stopped eating to watch her write, seeing her look up and back to her book.

"What're you doing in that book of yours?" He asked her, trying to lean over and see it.

Vivi covered the page she was writing on and blushed hard. "Nothing of interest to you, so don't even think about peeping!" She got up from the table. "I'm heading to work now. I'll be back around four. If I'm not back by then, you have a right to find me. In the meantime, stay out of trouble." She practically pleaded the last part out, hoping he'd get the message.

"Hey I can't help who I am. I attract trouble wherever I go." Venom pointed out.

Vivi sighed and put on her coat. "You attracted me, so does that make me trouble?" She closed the door behind her leaving bewildered Venom staring at her figure.

Central Library

Vivi heaved books onto the shelves, stacking them in alphabetical order. She loved her job as a librarian because of its quiet setting, good things to read, and inspiration for her books. She imagined herself putting one of her books on display for the world to see in front of this library. Working there for two years was putting a toll on her reading level, which were off the charts!

"Working hard today are we Bookworm?" A voice from behind her said. Vivi smiled and turned to see one of her favorite clients leaning against the bookshelf, Peter Parker. She and Peter had known each other for a while now, ever since she started working at the library. Vivi had come to know the teen with his interest in science and love for technology. They had become fast friends, often sharing their own ideas on the different superheroes.

"I was hoping you'd show up today. How's life doing for ya Parker?" She asked, putting the rest of the books up.

"Oh you know, a little of this, a little of that. Trying to pass high school with top marks." He rubbed the back of his head. "Among other things…"

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