I'm Addicted to You Cause You Know That Your Toxin

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*Yeah, this title is a reference to one of my favorite Brittany Spears song! Also, you can tell who will make an appearance in this new chapter! Happy Valentine's Day and look for an intimate moment ahead!*

It had been several days after the Carnage incident, and Vivi was still getting over the event. They had said goodbye to her family, her little sister feeling sad that she had to go. Her brother was adamant, but he was glad that his sister would be looked after. Eddie kissed the forehead of her sleeping mother, making the woman chuckle.

"You better keep this one Vivi. He's a keeper and such a gentleman!" She whispered to her before they left.

Vivi nodded and laughed. "Sure mom, Eddie is the kind of guy that will protect me no matter what."

"The world doesn't deserve you dear. You have to make sure you are unharmed and well with a man that you love." She gestured towards Eddie who was playing around with Viola. "He looks like a nice man that will no doubt keep you safe and treat you right."

"He is..." She said, thinking about how he rescued her. "And he's perfect for my story."

"Then when the time is right, I expect grandbabies!"

"Mother! This is too sudden! We just met a few months ago!"

"Love doesn't have to be sudden, but if he is the one-"

"Mom stop asking please!"

Yeah Vivi, she has a point. When are we having children?

Shut up Ravage!

Vivi sighed as she placed the fallen books from the shelf on the third floor. Back to work as usual, back to the daily life she lived. It had been peaceful for the time, nothing interesting happened during the time. Even Spider-Man has been quiet. Eddie had found a job so that he could pay for his half of the rent and so he could spruce up the apartment a bit. They had a plan to find a nice house to live in so they had to save up enough money for one.

Vivi curled up her lip as she watched tendrils of black ink help put books up. Ravage had been more helpful than usual. Perhaps she was still scared that she would abandon her. Those words that night must've frightened the poor symbiot. For an annoying pest she was, Vivi couldn't help but feel remorse for her. With the only symbiots being Venom and Carnage, she didn't have much of a choice for breeding unless she did it asexually. But it was a good thing to have Venom around, but what she did inside her made her want to puke sometimes. Her symbiot could be dirty!

"Vivi, is that you?" A cheerful voice said behind her. She looked down from her spot up the ladder to see a short haired blonde girl looking upwards. Gwen Stacy, one of her closest friends when she moved in the city. Everything she learned about the city, she learned from her.

"Hey Gwen, what's up?" Vivi walked down the ladder and gave her a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever! How's Horizon?"

"Tough, but I can manage it." She admitted. "I just wanted to see my good friend to invite her on a night on the town. I have tickets to go see a Broadway musical!"

"You know I love Broadway! Oh Gwen I would love too!" Vivi said, twirling around. "The music, the romance, the drama!"

Gwen laughed at her friend's antics. "I invited a couple of friends to join us."

"Who? Is it Peter and Harry?"

"No, more like MJ, Anya, and Cindy. Cindy is new to the city too and Anya is a friend from school."

"I can't wait to meet them! I could really use a girl's night out." Vivi untied her hair and let is loose. "So much craziness had happened on my family trip! And with people of my own species would make me more relaxed!"

"Your own species? What are you joking about?" Gwen asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

Vivi blushed and waved a hand in front of her face. "Just kidding! Nothing is going on! I really have been super tired lately!"

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING SLACKING OFF!" Her boss was glaring daggers behind her back, making Vivi squeak in fear. "GET BACK TO WORK!"

Vivi gritted her teeth and flashed Gwen a I'll see you later... look before looking back at her stack of books. Gwen nodded, understanding how much she hated working under the strict woman.

Eddie watched Vivi put her hair in a bun. Her face was covered with light makeup and she was earrings. She finished putting her hair up when a strong set of arms wrapped around her small frame and placed tiny kisses on her neck.

"Where are you going tonight babe?" Eddie asked, rubbing his nose on her neck. "Out with some friends?"

"Uh huh! I'm going to see a show with Gwen and the girls." She kissed him back, making his chest rumble in approval. "Try to stay out of trouble please. I know you want to fight Spider-Man, but don't get caught doing it."

"You know I have some self-control! I haven't fought him in a week!"

"Then you can have a relaxing night by yourself and later we can do something "fun" if you're good." Vivi slapped a hand on her mouth and blushed. Where the heck did that statement come from? Inside her mind, Ravage was dying of laughter.

Eddie blinked with surprise at his girlfriend's sexual statement. He didn't know she could be so sexy when she flirted. Venom wriggled around inside him, anticipating the "fun" they would have later.

"I'll look forward to that. Will you be reading me a bedtime story or will you be skipping to the end?" He slowly pulled down her dress strap. "I'm eager to know if the hero gets a reward."

"Who said you were the hero of the story?" Vivi teased, feeling his hands roam. "What if your the villain?"

"Then I've captured the hottest looking girl in the city and I ain't gonna let her go!" He pushed her down on the bed, trapping her arms in his hands. "Unless she begged for mercy..."

"Oh I'm so scared. I just hope a hero comes and saves me!" She said, batting her eyelashes dramatically.

Eddie changed into his Venom form and let his tongue out. Vivi giggled as he licked her body, making her gasp and moan with delight. Places where his tongue would land made her wrap her arms around him tighter.

"Yes, that feels so good Venom!" She gasped, feeling the tongue on her legs.

"We live to please you. Stay here so we can..."

"No, I have to go! You have to let me go!"

"We'll never let you go Vivi because you are ours!"

Before they could get more intimate, however...

"Are we interrupting something?"

Vivi and Venom looked up to see a young looking symbiont looking down at them with widen eyes. He was red and dark blue, with tendrils coming off his body. It reminded her of Carnage, making horrible memories come back to her. Venom growled, covering her with his body.

"Toxin, what are you doing here?" Venom asked, angered that his grandkid interrupted something.

"Carnage told us you had a girlfriend, we just didn't believe him of course." He landed down, smiling behind his mask. "Nice to meet you, I'm Toxin!"

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