Chapter Three - sausage party

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Quickly I picked up my phone. My hands were shaking as I hit the power button. The screen turned on and my notifications were displayed.
@KylieJenner: retweet if you remember sausage party
Damn. Not daddy trump. To get my mind off the disappointment I felt, I decided to tidy up my room. God knows it needs it.
I rose off the couch and walked towards my room. My heavy footsteps echoed each step I took. I pushed open my door and scanned the room. Useless junk was scattered across my floor and erotic pictures of donald covered my walls. My shrek themed bed (guess you can say I like the classics) was undone and who knew where my pillows disappeared to. Well it's now or never.

A few hours later I was finally done. My room was clean and everything in its right place. But wait, I didn't check under my bed!
I crouched down and peered under the bed. The only thing there was a bin. I slid the bin out and took off the lid. Inside was 2 dildos and a photo album. Why the fuck do I have a photo album? I'm emo not a nerd.
I opened the photo album and discovered it belonged to my fathers. I must have forgot to throw it out. Might as well look through it. I flipped the page and my eyes were met with a photo of them at their wedding in 2022. They were smiling and looking at each other fondly. How revolting. They weren't even wearing eyeliner. Ugh I knew they were posers, how pathetic can you get?
Below the photo was a strand of hair. "Nick Jonas's hair" was written next to it. Just a tad bit creepy but who am I to judge?
On the next page was a photo of them holding me as a baby. It was kind of sweet. What? No! I can't think like that! They're a couple of preppy posers and I was a hardcore emo! I slammed the book shut and put it back in the bin.
It was a bit early still but I was exhausted so it's probably best I went to bed. I stood up and laid down on shrek in blanket form. I made sure to stroke a picture of Donald and say goodnight before I fell into a deep sleep.

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