Chapter Nine - Evil Plans

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The next day I got the money in the mail. I resisted the urge to spend it on sex toys and instead googled how to travel to America. Wow this will be my first time out of the country. I can't wait to breath the same air as Donald. Speaking of Donald, I haven't told him about this splendid opportunity! I pull my phone out of my asshole and begin my message;

Hey dad! I'm going to be visiting America for a while! My stupid uncle who I don't even know wants to see me. Ugh. Well I hope I get to spend time with you!! x 

I hit send. Hope he responds! Wait a second..this isn't right. I'm supposed to be emo! I've been acting way too cheerful lately. Maybe I'll do a sacrifice for old times sake.I gather my past usual supplies but instead of meatloaf I got a cold turkey sandwich that was sitting in my fridge. I almost forgot how good it felt to be bleeding into a bowl. Ah, now for my favorite part. I set it on fire and gazed at the beautiful flames. I definitely have to do this more often.

After wrapping that up I thought of a plan. Quite an evil plan actually. I should continue my fathers legacy and make YouTube videos, but not as my real self. I can pretend to be the perfect YouTuber. I'll be almost like a replica of my fathers but also with my own unique qualities. The only person I'll tell is daddy of course. He's the only person I trust. Though to go through with this plan I need to find out more about Dan and Phil. As much as I don't want to, I need to watch their videos. I've only done so once. I could only get through half of it. It was just...too much. I felt something I never felt other than that time but I don't know what it was. All I know is that I didn't like it. 

Before I do anything I need to tell trumpy poo. Oh he responded to my last message, that's good. Nothing to get to happy over because you know, emo. His message said, "That's amazing Moe! Sorry about your uncle :( Once you get here, we can make some plans ;) I'll even order an airport of your choice to fly you in without a passport or anything." Let's pretend the thought of meeting daddy d didn't make me cum in my pants a little.
I type out the second message that day, 

I've come up with a brilliant plan! My father's were YouTubers but have died, fortunately. All their fans know of me but don't know what I'm like since I've kept away from them. If I make videos and pretend to me the opposite of myself, they'll be wrapped around my finger. I plan on using them for money. Firstly, I'll gain subscribers fast because of my fathers and the views will gain me money. I'll also pretend to be struggling and manipulate them into donating to my go fund me. The reason I want this money is not only to be rich but to move to America permanently! Aren't I brilliant? To make it even more foolproof, I'll be the same way around my uncle. He could also provide me with some information about my fathers so I can incorporate their qualities into my character. I'll also watch their videos of course.

I hit send and smiled evilly. I'm so clever! Before I watch their videos I should probably book my flight. Now I don't need a passport so thats good. I'll just book the flight online. I go on my laptop and type in Its the best website for booking flights of course. I booked the flight for Sunday. I know its only 4 days away but I just can't wait. I don't really care about the prices since Martyn gave me money. I printed out documents and shit. That should be it. 

Now time for some videos. Honestly, I'm a bit nervous. It's not like I have much of a choice, though. I look at their most viewed videos. Phil is not on fire 8 seems quite popular. I click on the video. They're very young in this, I mean it was 32 years ago after all. I wonder why it's so popular if it's so old? Maybe it's just nostalgic? I continue to watch the video. It seems pretty gay. There was a dull ache in my chest. Ugh, why do I feel like this again? This happened to me the last time I watched a video of theirs. The more I watched, the more unbearable it felt. The video finished and my breathing was heavy. 

I run to the bathroom to splash some cool water on my face. I feel dizzy and sit down. Why does it feel like this? Am I crying? I can't be. I hate them. Why am I crying? I can't be missing them. That would be ridiculous. I just have to ignore these feelings. I can't let them ruin my plans. I sit up and grab my laptop. Looks like I have a lot of videos to watch.

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