Chapter Four - sacrifices

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I woke up from quite a good sleep. A yawn escaped my lips and I stretched my arms above me head. I kissed a picture of Donald on my wall before heading over to my computer to send my dm.
Hey daddy d. I hope you had a good day today. I love you so much daddy. I can't wait to finally see you one day.
I proofread it and then hit send. Hopefully he'll reply someday soon. I can't help but lose a little hope each day trumpy doesn't respond to me. Well might as well get on with my day.
I did all my usual stuff, you know. With a glance at my calendar I realized that it was the time of the week where I made my sacrifice!
I gathered a bowl, a knife, a match, some gasoline, and leftover meatloaf. Gracefully I dumped the goopy meatloaf into the bowl. Donald should love this! I grabbed the knife and cut into my hand. My blood dropped into the bowl for a few seconds before I wrapped my hand up with a bandage. Unfortunately I forgot to get a spoon so I just stirred it with my finger. I poured just a bit of gasoline into it and then set it on fire with the match. The fire grew with each passing second and I started into the beautiful flames. After a couple minutes I put out the fire and I was done. What a great start to my day!
I was feeling a bit social so I decided to call up my friend Jeffrey who's the great great grandson of Dr.Phil. I dialed 382 7822 666. It rang.
"Hey Jeffrey! Want to come over to my place to catch up a bit? We haven't talked in a while"
"Sure I'll be right there"
I hung up and waited.
Jeffrey had arrived and we were sitting on my couch.
"Dude why is there blood on your floor?"
"Oh it's nothing. So what have you been up to?"
Jeffrey said, "you know, the usual, Facebook stalking the Jenners and crying into bowls of spaghetti. How about you?"
"I've still been dming trump. He hasn't replied yet but might as well keep trying"
"Hope he replies to you soon bro"
We talked for a while until he had to leave. we exchanged our goodbyes and then he was gone.
I decided to check the comments on one of my fathers channels. The last video of theirs was posted on dans so I settled on his. I logged onto my computer and went onto YouTube. His email was already entered in so I typed the password harambelives95 and I was on. With a click of a video I was shown all the comments.
@dickfucksucc: my memes will never be dank again
@satanlover669: if this gets 420 likes I'll try to resurrect them from the dead
@aaaaas: lol
That's only a few of the interesting comments. I logged off and closed my laptop. Just then I saw that Donald trump tweeted. Exciting!
@realDonaldTrump: I appreciate the beautiful dms I have received recently. (Especially a couple in particular tee hee)
Did Donald trump just subtweet me?

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