Chapter Seven - Mystery

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I woke up the next day feeling oddly cheerful. It was almost like I was a little less emo but only a little because I'm an emo GOD after all. It was hard to believe that Donald actually dmed me and it wasn't just a crazy dream. I did most of my routine but today I didn't have to do my rituals. Daddy actually dmed me. I still can't believe this.
I plopped down on my ploofy couch and just thought of Donald. How could a man be so perfect? After daydreaming a bit I realized that I could actually dm him and he'd reply to me! I whip out my phone and begin typing a cheeky text.
Hey daddy d. How are you today? I can't stop thinking about you x
Well that should do it. I hit send and close my phone. I wonder how long it'll take him to reply. That thought doesn't last long as my phone immediately vibrates.
Hi Moe. I'm doing great as usual. I deported 7 Mexicans today! Isn't that exciting? Well I have to go to a meeting now. Ugh. Well text you later!
It fills me with joy knowing that he's happy. That's all I really want. For him to be happy. I love seeing his smile on tv. Wait a thought just occurred to me. Now that we're dming would he be okay with sending pics to each other? The thought of seeing a picture of daddy that only I've seen turns me on just a little.
I trot over to my room and put on a sexy fedora. If I want to see if he's okay with photos then what better way then to send a photo? I open up my phone camera and take some selfies in the fashionable hat. I choose one with my tongue out to send to daddy. I hope he likes it!
Suddenly my doorbell rings. I throw off the hat and start to walk over the door. Hmm I wonder what it could be. I don't usually get mail and I didn't invite anyone over. When I open the door I'm faced with a mysterious letter on my doormat. It's tied with a fancy ribbon and has elegant writing on the front. I pick it up and bring it inside confused on who it's from. It doesn't even have a stamp. Do I just open it?

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