Ordinary Sherlock

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John ran up the stairwell and opened the door. Sherlock was on the other side of the door when John threw the door open. John grabbed Sherlock and took him to the middle of the roof. Sherlock was screaming and kicking and refusing to move but somehow John got him to sit down. John kneeled down next to Sherlock and embraced him tightly. Sherlock was still screaming but slowly calmed down.

John wondered to himself, "What is wrong with Sherlock? What did he find? What did he figure out? Why is he like this? How can I help him? This is not the Sherlock I know and lo- ... I do not love Sherlock. I don't. He's my friend and I have to be there for him."

After 30 minutes of wailing, Sherlock had stopped screaming and quietly sobbed in John's shoulder. John held his friend and gently rubbed his back. Sherlock had finally wrapped his arms around John and stopped crying.

John thought to himself, "Please Sherlock, never let me go. I want to stay with you here forever. Wait, I mean I want you to be okay." John started to lessen his embrace on Sherlock but Sherlock held tightly to his friend. "I will always be here for you, I will never leave your side, I care for you more than y- shut up John! Shut up! Deal with your potential gayness later ..."

Five minutes after John had let go of Sherlock, Sherlock let go of John. John looked at his friend and waited for him to say something. Sherlock looked at John with a blank face, but his eyes told a different story. John noticed that something happened to Sherlock that would traumatize him for the rest of his life. He knew that he saw Moriarty. John stood up and offered a hand to Sherlock. Sherlock took John's hand and John pulled him up to his feet.

"Come on, bring it in. You look like you need one more hug," John said just to have an excuse to hug Sherlock again. This embrace was not as long as the last but it was just as satisfactory for John.

John led Sherlock to the stairs and helped him down. He told Molly that he would take care of Sherlock and that she didn't have to worry. John and Sherlock got in a cab and drove back to their flat. No one stopped them for pictures or photos once they got home. John helped him inside and had Sherlock sit down. He went to Mrs. Hudson down stairs to ask her to do a huge favor.

John spoke with Mrs. Hudson saying, "Mrs. Hudson, I beg you, please fix a meal for Sherlock. Something warm, soup preferably. If you could spare a blanket, that would be lovely. I am going to run him a hot bath. Also, thank you for cleaning the kitchen. Sherlock was right, without you, Baker Street would fall."

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