Unknown Feelings

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Sherlock could hear the water running in the bathroom. He also heard Mrs. Hudson making food for him. He heard and saw but didn't observe. He couldn't understand the care his friends had for him. He saw John walk out of the bathroom and look at him. Sherlock got up from the chair hesitantly and followed John into the bathroom.

"What's going on? Does John have an emotional attraction to me even though he is a straight man? Could he be gay? No, the most likely explanation would be Bisexual. What is he doing? Where is he going?"

John had left the bathroom and came back with a new change of clothes. He set the clothes on the sink counter top and looked at Sherlock.

"I'm sure you can do the rest on your own, right?" John asked. Sherlock just looked at John with longing in his eyes. He's bisexual, borderline gay, questioning if anything. He wants to help me bathe. Why is my heart pumping so fast? Why is he looking at me like that? What is this feeling that I have never felt before? Bloody Hell he's looking at me, just look away, look away!

Sherlock looked away from John and at the bath. Sherlock said nothing to see what John would do. John pulled a blindfold out from his back pocket and tied it around his eyes so he couldn't see. He closed the bathroom door and took a step towards Sherlock. Sherlock took a step back but met the sink counter top. He was worried about what was going to happen. John reached a hand forward and grabbed Sherlock's wrinkled shirt.

John pulled Sherlock closer to him and started to blindly unbutton his shirt. What is the blindfold for? With every button that John undid, Sherlock's body became more exposed. John placed his hands on Sherlock's chest to know where he was in space. Sherlock closed his eyes as John's soft hands moved across his bare body. John moved his hands outward and found Sherlock's shirt again. John removed the shirt from Sherlock's body and dropped the shirt next to him by the door.

Steam came from the hot water in the tub and filled the air in the room. The heat around them made the atmosphere feel even more enjoyable in each other's presence. Even though John couldn't see the muscles on Sherlock's chest and arms or his six pack, he could definitely feel it. Sherlock felt John's hands move down his torso from his chest to his beltline. Sherlock looked down and saw a huge bulge in his pants. He started to blush and get nervous.

"What would John think if he knew that blood was being excessively pumped to my genitals as a response to desired intercourse? Who in the bloody hell am I kidding!? I have a bloody boner and I can't let John know that!"

Just as John was about to unbutton Sherlock's pants, Sherlock said embarrassed, "I can manage this part on my own."

John took a step back and let Sherlock take off his own pants. Sherlock removed his pants and stopped before taking off his undergarments. Sherlock looked up at the blindfolded John and thought, "What the hell."

Sherlock took off his boxer-briefs and his socks before leading John to the bathtub and getting in himself. John kneeled next to the tub as Sherlock sat in the warm water with his massive erection. John rolled up his sleeves and put his hand in the water behind Sherlock. Sherlock sat in discomfort as he waited for John to do something.

"Say something, touch me, remove the blindfold, something! Dammit John just- Oh?"

John had come prepared to help Sherlock bathe with a large sponge. John let the sponge collect water before wringing it out and letting the water fall on to Sherlock's smooth skin. John soaked every inch of Sherlock's body before rubbing him with soap. The soap in John's hand ran across Sherlock's back and arms in a slow and gentle way, leaving Sherlock to his own seductive thoughts. Once John had moved on to Sherlock's chest, the young detective could hardly contain himself.

"J-John, can I be ... honest with you?" Sherlock asked nervously.

John continued to wash Sherlock's body. He had just moved on to rinsing off the soap with water. John could feel Sherlock get tense and uncomfortable so he stopped.

"Yeah, of course you can. What is it?" John replied curiously.

"This is it, your chance to tell him. Tell him how you really feel. Tell him your true feelings! Something you could never do before! JUST DO IT!"

"J-John, I-I need to tell you ... that ..." Sherlock stuttered. He could hardly get the words out of his mouth. He was just about to say the words "I think I'm in love with you" when he got a weird feeling in his stomach. It was as if butterflies were flying all around his insides.

"What is it you need to tell me?" John questioned.

"I just wanted to say ... thank you. Thank you for being there for me and for taking care of me. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I couldn't ask for a better companion. I am eternally grateful to you and this is the only time I will say this so cherish this moment. I will never say thank you again so Thank you. Now I can go back to being an arse-hole."

John's cheeks began to get rosy red and it was obvious that he was hiding a smile. Sherlock started to feel the blood rush to his face making him as red as a tomato. Sherlock and John were still for a long while before Sherlock broke the silence.

"I think I can handle the rest by myself. Thank You for finding me before I did anything stupid. It means a lot to me that you care so much."

"I thought you said you were only going to say thank you once and go back to being a bloody bastard?" John said jokingly.

"I'll start tomorrow. Just cherish the fact that I'm acting the slightest bit human."

John chuckled as he stood up and turned around. He turned to his right and tried to find the towel hanging on the wall. Once he dried his hands he turned to face the door. He held his hands in front of him as to not bump into anything. As John left the bathroom, Sherlock lightheartedly called out, "I said I would be an arse-hole not a bloody bastard!"

"Same thing!" John cried as he shut the door behind him.

Sherlock stared at the door for a few seconds before resuming his bath. He washed his hair with shampoo and coated his hair with conditioner. The handful of conditioner made his curly hair soft and easy to brush through. Once Sherlock was clean, he looked down at his member and saw that his erection hadn't gone. "What the fuck? How do I get rid of this thing?"

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