Could It Be?

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Sherlock walked slowly towards John's bedroom door. He waited outside the door as if waiting to be let inside. He placed a hand on the door knob and gripped it tightly. He turned the brass doorknob and pushed the door open. What he saw stunned him.

John's bed was in the middle of the room. Plain white sheets lied under a simple brown blanket with a pillow at the head of the bed. A small wooden wardrobe was in the corner of the room and a desk was against the left wall. John's computer was turned on and paper covered the desk. A light switch was on the wall next to the door that was connected to a light in the middle of the ceiling.

Sherlock looked around the room with great interest. He looked at the computer on the desk and it showed John's blog. Sherlock looked at the amount of people who read the blog and was amazed at the large number. Sherlock moved away from the desk to the other side of the room where the wardrobe stood. He opened the doors slowly and looked inside. Sherlock gazed at the shirts that hung in the wardrobe. He looked at every shirt and touched it with care. Once he was done with the shirts he began to close the doors.

Sherlock looked towards John's bed with curiosity. He walked to the edge of the bed and placed a hand on the blanket. Immediately, Sherlock's knees gave out and he fell on the bed. Sherlock closed his eyes and swam in the feelings he had. He didn't know how to classify them, but he knew it made him feel good.

Whenever Sherlock thought about John, he immediately smiled. When John was in the same room, his heart would beat faster and his face would get hot. When he spoke, it was like music to Sherlock's ears. Sherlock had a warm feeling inside him and it was as if nothing could go wrong. He felt a sense of security with John and never wanted to be apart from him. Sherlock could not classify his feelings anything other than love.

"I wonder if this is what love feels like," he thought, "Is this why people are so happy even when their lives suck?"

Sherlock began to feel his eyes get heavy and let out a huge yawn. Sherlock stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes. He didn't mind if John found him in his room, well maybe a little bit. He soon fell asleep and would not wake again for a few hours.

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