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Sherlock woke up on John's bed. He didn't remember where we was for a second and had to look around before gaining his senses. He slowly got up and draped his feet over the side of the bed. He stretched his arms and walked outside. Sherlock walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and some cereal. He poured the cereal into the bowl and went to get some milk. He opened the refrigerator door and saw that there was no milk. He shut the door with a thud and turned to his bowl of dry cereal. He picked it up and took it to the seat and began eating the dry cereal.

Sherlock was looking out the window when he heard footsteps walk up the stairs. He turned around to see John with a book in one hand and house keys in the other. John placed the keys on a hook on the wall next to the door and looked at Sherlock.

"Good Morning. How are you?" John asked.

"I'm doing alright. I just wish we had some milk." Sherlock showed John the bowl of cereal that lacked a good serving of milk in it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize there wasn't any. I didn't eat this morning. I will get some milk later okay Babe?"

"Babe?" Sherlock thought, "Why did he just-"

"John, why did you call me Babe just now?"

John looked at Sherlock with a puzzled look on his face, "What do you mean? I always call you Babe. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, I'm doing just fine. Are you alright?"

"Yes. I am. Thanks for asking."

John and Sherlock stared at each other in silence for a few moments before returning to what they were doing. Sherlock sat still, looking into his bowl of cereal, thinking to himself.

"What the bloody hell is going on? Are we together ... as in boyfriend and boyfriend?

"John," Sherlock began, "I love you."

"I love you too Babe," John replied. John walked over to Sherlock, bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Sherlock was stunned at John's soft lips making contact with his cheek. John watched as he saw a wide eyed Sherlock touch his cheek gently where he had placed a kiss. Sherlock's heart was racing so fast he thought it would beat out of his chest. Sherlock looked up at John who was smiling curiously at him.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Sherlock tried to contain his joy but failed. Sherlock stood up lightning quick and connected his lips with John's. John was surprised at Sherlock's eagerness but kissed back. The two men stood there with their eyes closed, their lips pressed together gently in a sweet kiss. It was as if time had stopped and the two stayed there enjoying the touch of their love.

Sherlock was the one to pull away first. Once their lips had separated, Sherlock craved for more. Sherlock pressed his forehead lightly against John's and stayed there with his eyes closed. Sherlock wrapped his arms around John's neck and John held Sherlock around his waist.

"John, I don't know how I am going to tell you this, but I love you. I love you so much. You make me happy. When I'm with you, nothing can go wrong."

"Are you sure about that Sherlock?" a voice said.

The grin on Sherlock's face immediately fell as he opened his eyes to see Moriarty in the doorway. Sherlock jumped in front of John, putting himself between Moriarty and his boyfriend. Sherlock felt John's hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that he was there.

"What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" Sherlock exclaimed.

"What do I want?" Moriarty teased, "I want what he has. I want you Sherlock. I want you to be mine and only mine. I have been so bored without you Sherlock. Come play with me, come play. Or are you too afraid?"

"Afraid of what? Afraid of you?" Sherlock challenged uneasily.

"No Sherlock, not of me. You're afraid of losing him." Moriarty snapped his fingers and Sherlock turned around to look at John. John was no longer behind him. He faced Moriarty and saw John in a head lock with a gun pointed to his head.

"Moriarty, don't do it. You can't, you won't!" Sherlock screamed.

Moriarty grinned and cocked his head, "Yes I will ..."



"JOHN!!!" Sherlock screamed as he woke up. Sherlock was breathing heavily and sweating profoundly on his forehead. John rushed into the room in a panic and looked around the room. Sherlock ran to John and held him tightly. John held on to Sherlock and didn't ask any questions.

"J-J-John, i-it h-ha-happened again. M-M-Mori-Moriarty. H-He was in m-my dream." Sherlock stuttered, "I'm so scared John. I'm so scared.

John started to rub Sherlock's back, which he found was a good way to calm him down. Sherlock cried in John's arms while John comforted Sherlock.

"Shh... shh... It's okay. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm here. Everything is okay. It was just a bad dream. It was just a dream. I'm here for you. I'm here. You are safe now. He can't get you as long as I am here. You're safe. I'm right here. Shh... shh... It's okay. It's okay."

Sherlock slowly calmed down to the point where he could breathe steadily and speak normally. Sherlock looked at John and John held Sherlock's face in his hands.

"You will be okay. It's all over, I'm here now and you're safe." John reassured.

Sherlock smiled at John and stood up on his own. Sherlock's eyes were all puffy and red and tear streaks were visible on his face. John led Sherlock to the bathroom and stood in the doorway. "Clean yourself up okay. Wash your face and brush your hair, we are going out." John ordered Sherlock.

Sherlock did as he was told. Sherlock brushed his hair so it was neatly parted to the right. He washed his face so the tear tracks were gone and the red puffiness of his eyes went away. As soon as he finished he went out to the living room and saw John standing at the kitchen table. John was wearing an electric blue button up shirt with a black bowtie. He was wearing black dress pants and newly polished shoes.

The table was set with a white table cloth and white dishes. Two wine glasses accompanied the plates with a set of utensils for each. A small vase of flowers sat in the middle of the table, small enough to see over them without blocking the view of the person at the other end of the table. Two candles sat on either side of the flowers, gently lighting the table with the soft light of romance.

John smiled at Sherlock as he waited for Sherlock to take in the view. Once Sherlock looked at John, John pulled out one of the chairs.

"Would you care to join me for dinner?"

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