When He Met You

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John jumped out of the cab as soon as he got home. He didn't even wait for the cab to stop moving before he bolted out the door. He went inside with his flowers and food that he bought and rushed up the stairs two at a time. Mrs. Hudson was still reading when he got home but was completely ignored. John burst into the living room and called Sherlock's name.

"Sherlock," John called. There was no reply. "Sherlock!"

John set down the bags in the middle of the floor and started looking for his love. He looked in the bathroom to find a mess of toothpaste on the sink. He rushed to the kitchen and didn't find anything but the empty fridge. He ran to Sherlock's bedroom and burst through the door. Sherlock wasn't in there. John saw the mess of shirts piled on the floor and shut the door.

John was walking past his bedroom when he noticed a small crack in the door. He faced his door as he gripped the handle. He pushed the door open slowly to see Sherlock lying fast asleep on his bed. Sherlock's head was resting on John's pillow. Sherlock was lying on his side with his hands at his face and his knees bent. He was snoring softly into the pillow.

John saw Sherlock and smiled. He secretly blew Sherlock a kiss and slowly shut the door. Before the door closed, John whispered, "Sweet dreams my angel."

John walked to the groceries in the middle of the living room and put them in the kitchen. John took out the bouquet of flowers first and put them on the table. John looked at the flowers, wondering if he had a vase to put them in. He went to the kitchen and got out the wine. He was in such a rush to get home that he forgot to buy the wine glasses. "Shit. I'm going to have to use regular glass cups. I'm sure Sherlock will understand but... this is going to seem real cheap on my behalf."

John started to set out all his ingredients he would need for the pesto pasta and grilled chicken when he heard someone walk through the door. He turned around and saw Mrs. Hudson carrying things to the kitchen table. She set down the stuff gently and looked over to John with a smile.

"I thought you may want to use these glasses instead of cups. I also brought a vase for your flowers and a couple of candles to set the mood. The table cloth is mandatory. I will not take no for an answer. Now, you make the pasta and I will start on the chicken."

John stood dumbfounded at Mrs. Hudson as she got to work. John stopped her before she could turn on the stove, "Hold on, wait. You have some explaining to do. How did you know I needed wine glasses? How did you guess I didn't have a vase for the flowers? And how do you know what I got from the store?"

Mrs. Hudson smiled as she chuckled softly, "Molly called me saying that you had barged into her office and wanted to know all about Sherlock. You wanted to know his favorite food and such. However, when she told you about our bet you stormed off and said you would do it yourself. She immediately called Lestrade so he could follow you and see what you were up to. He texted Molly everything you bought and did and she forwarded those texts to me."

John could not believe his ears. He did not think Mrs. Hudson of all people would be the type to spy on others.

"So you had Lestrade follow me, just so you could help me have a good first date with Sherlock?" John replied with utter amazement.

"She's not the only one that is trying to help you," a familiar voice said, "I did all the following and Molly passed the message along."

Lestrade and Molly walk into the living room and stand awkwardly side by side so John could see them. John felt as if his head was going to explode. There was a long period of awkward silence where John just tried to process the situation.

"Wait," John finally said, "You were all in on it from the start. You all were waiting for this day to come and had a plan ready for when it did?"

"Of course we did," Mrs. Hudson replied, "I have known Sherlock for a long time, we all have. He was a pain in our behinds from time to time but deep down none of us could even begin to hate him."

Lestrade joined in, "Yeah, I tried to hate him but ever since his first case, he made my life a bit more interesting. He wasn't always nice but he was always honest. I admire him for that. Not to mention his massive intellect."

"We all care about Sherlock. I knew he was gay since day one. I saw how isolated he was. He never asked anyone for help or cared to tell us anything. We all began to wonder if he was truly happy, or if he had ever been happy." Molly added.

"I was talking with Anderson one day about Sherlock," Lestrade continued, "Sherlock says he's a sociopath but Anderson didn't want to believe it. I told him that it is very likely to be true since he's a cold hearted bastard. He's probably never felt love I said. Then the thought hit me. What if Sherlock had found someone to love? Would he change?"

Molly interjected, "I had tried to be the person for him to love, if not romantically then at least like a sister. I tried to no avail. I even tried to talk to him about other people and see if any sparked his interest but he never said anything about them but a general deduction. He never spent more than 5 minutes talking about someone that wasn't dead."

"As soon as he met you, I knew you were the one. He would spend so much time with you and when you were away, he never stopped talking about you. He always tried to impress you but didn't know how. He let you see the good and bad sides of himself. He laughed with you and told you everything. I hadn't seen Sherlock laugh once before you came into his life. He loves you Sherlock. He just doesn't know how to tell you yet." Mrs. Hudson concluded.

John had begun to tear up and soon was crying like a baby in Mrs. Hudson's arms. Molly and Lestrade walked over to him and they each placed a hand on his shoulders. John wiped his tears away and looked at each of the people standing before him. He smiled and stood up straight and confident.

"Well, are you going to help me make dinner or are you going to just watch?" John said happily. All three of his friends smiled and got to work.

"Lestrade, go set the table. Molly, we need water for these flowers. John, just like I told you earlier, you do the pasta and I will start on the chicken. Someone cool the wine, we have a date to prepare!" Mrs. Hudson sweetly demanded.

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