Shopping for Love

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John got up off the chair and washed his soup bowl. Once he was done, he grabbed his house key, wallet, and cell phone. He rushed down the stairs to Mrs. Hudson. She had just finished cleaning and was about to read a book. John wanted to get what he needed quickly so he didn't have to be away from Sherlock for too long.

"Mrs. Hudson, do me a favor. I am going to the market to get a few things. If Sherlock is done changing before I get back and is wondering where I am, tell him I will be back within the hour."

Mrs. Hudson was confused for a second, "Alrighty Dear but may I know where you are going? What if Sherlock needs to speak to you?"

John gave Mrs. Hudson a look of urgency, "I don't want him following me. It is important that I go alone. If he needs to contact me, I will have my phone. Just make sure he stays here. I don't want the surprise to be ruined."

Mrs. Hudson went from being shocked to happy. "I understand Dear," Mrs. Hudson says with a smile, "You don't have to worry about him leaving. He will be just fine."

Mrs. Hudson gives John a wink and he gives her a quick thumbs up before rushing out the door. John signals a cab and waits as it pulls up to the curb. He gets inside the cab and puts on his seatbelt.

"Where to?" the cabbie askes.

"St. Bart's Hospital, quickly, I don't have much time."

~Time Lapse~

John jumps out of the cab and gives the cabbie the gas fee. He bolts through the doors of the hospital and goes to Molly's office. Molly is at her desk typing when John bursts through the doors and screams her name, "Molly!"

Molly is caught off guard and nearly falls out of her chair. She picks herself up and looks at John irritably. She was just in the middle of typing an autopsy report when he had to rudely interrupt.

"What in the bloody hell John? Why did you startle me like that?"

"It's Sherlock," John plainly stated.

"Oh my God is he okay?"

"He's doing better, but I need your help. You have been his friend longer than I have and therefore you know him more. I am running low on time but this is important. I think I may be attracted to Sherlock."

Molly stood calmly in front of John waiting for him to say more. John was thrown back by her silence. He thought that she might not have heard him.

John repeated, "I think I may be attracted to Sherlock."

"Okay, what's the important news?"

"I don't understand. Why are you so calm? You are acting like this is old news."

"That's because it is old news. I knew Sherlock was gay. I've known since before he met you. It's obvious that the two of you love each other; we just wondered how long it would take for you guys to admit to that."

John was lost at this point, "Who is 'we'?" John asked.

"Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson and I. Lestrade and I owe Mrs. Hudson ten pounds now."

"You guys made a bet about which day we were going to come out?"

"Yes, and it makes sense that Mrs. Hudson won. You live in her building. So how can I help you? You said you were in a rush?"

John decided he would deal with Molly and Lestrade later. He would confront Mrs. Hudson once he was done.

"I wanted to know Sherlock's favorite restaurant/food, color, music and you know what, I am going to do this on my own. I don't need your help. Good day."

John left the room in a hurry and went outside. Instead of getting a cab, John just ran down the street to the nearest flower shop. Once he got there, he was greeted by an overwhelming amount of scents and fragrances. There were so many colors and types of flowers that covered the room. He didn't even know where to start.

He walked up to the counter and asked the florist, "What is the best flower to have on a first date?"

The florist smiled and walked from behind the counter to where John was standing. She lead John away from the counter saying, "Well that depends. Let me help you. First of all, is your date a boy or a girl?"

John answered confidently, "He's a boy, and I love him."

~Another Time Lapse~

John was in the middle of grocery shopping. He had already gotten a mixed bouquet of white carnations, purple lilacs and orange lilies. The white symbolizes innocence and purity. The purple symbolizes an important transition in a person's life. The orange symbolizes adventure, happiness and joy. The carnations symbolize love, pride and admiration. Lilacs symbolize first love, and lilies symbolize passion according to the florist.

John was shopping for ingredients needed for his dinner with Sherlock that night. He decided to make pesto pasta with grilled chicken complemented by a nice white wine. Once he bought all the spices and ingredients he needed, John's pocket vibrated. John checked his messages and saw it was from Sherlock. The message read, "John, come home. It's important." A few seconds later, John got a second message that read, "I need you, please hurry!"

John put his phone away and called a cab. He got in the cab as quickly as he could and said, "221B Baker Street and hurry!"

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