Grieving Over You

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Sherlock went into his bedroom and set the wine bottle on the floor near the foot of his bed. He took a step back and chugged the wine already in his glass. Once he finished, he placed the glass gently next to the bottle. Sherlock stood for a moment, his lips curled in a frown, his eyes filled with misery and disappointment. Sherlock replayed everything that had happened those few moments before him and could feel the tears stream down his face.

Sherlock wiped his tears and tried to stop them from falling but nothing he did could stop them. Nothing he did could erase the pain he felt. It was as if Sherlock took a knife in the heart or like he ate a bag of bricks and it was stuck somewhere between his heart and his stomach. The more Sherlock tried to stop crying, the more pain he felt. It was as if all was lost. He doubted John would ever care about him the way he did.

Sherlock sat down on his bed and let the tears run down his face. He looked around his room before lying down in the fetal position. Sherlock hugged his knees and let the pain consume him. He had never felt anything like this for anyone and he decided that no matter how much it hurt, it was time for him to embrace the new Sherlock. He needed to embrace his feelings and not hide them away in a little bottle. He couldn't ignore the things he felt any longer.

Sherlock felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He looked and found a text from Molly.

Molly: Sherlock are you okay?

Sherlock just ignored the text and went back to feeling sad. He had never felt this way before and he doubted whether it was sadness or something else. Ordinary people are sad when they don't do well at something, but he felt worse than what would be called sadness. It was more like depression, but depression is usually described as feeling empty and having no motivation to do things. Sherlock guessed what he was feeling was grief.

Grief seemed the most likely of feelings. There were five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. He didn't know at what stage he was and that killed him. Sherlock felt another vibration and checked his phone. It was Molly again.

Molly: Sherlock tell me what is wrong. I know something is wrong.

Sherlock put his phone down but Molly texted again.

Molly: William Sherlock Scott Holmes you will tell me how you feel, why you feel that way and what I can do to help you right now. Tell me what is wrong right now.

Sherlock: Molly

Molly: Yes Sherlock?

Sherlock: My bedroom, come now

Sherlock put his phone down and waited for Molly to enter the room. He heard the door creak open. Molly entered the room quietly and waited for Sherlock to speak first. Sherlock got up from the bed and stood up to face Molly. His face was covered in tear tracks and Molly looked worried for him. Sherlock hugged Molly tightly and started to cry again.

Molly hugged him and rubbed his back. She knew this would calm him down because John had told her so while making dinner. Molly led Sherlock to the bed and had him sit down. She kneeled in front of Sherlock and started to help him process what had just happened.

"Sherlock, I want you to take a deep breath. Take a deep breath in ... and out." Molly instructed. Sherlock did as he was told to do.

"Now, I want you to tell me what happened with John okay. Tell me what happened. Afterwards I can tell you what you are feeling, and how to deal with it."

Sherlock started from the beginning. He told her about what he thought, what was said and what was expected. He told her about his dream and how only then could he confess his true feelings. He told her about how much he really loved John and how much he wanted to be with him. Sherlock told her the times before all this when him and John were together and how he loved him then as well. He told her about his dreams and wishes and all the times he just wanted to say "I love you."

Molly listened as Sherlock spoke. Sherlock talked and talked and talked and kept talking until he began to grow tired. Molly never interrupted him because she knew that the best thing was for him to get it all out now instead of hold it in. Molly watched as Sherlock threw his hands in the air in frustration, covered his face in anguish, and kneeled down in defeat. Once Sherlock was done he was so emotionally drained that he could hardly make it to his bed before falling into a deep sleep.

Molly looked at Sherlock and smiled slightly. She was upset that he had to go through this now while Moriarty was torturing him but was happy that he trusted her enough to tell her his deepest feelings. She was happy that he was so willing to share with her the things that only he knew.

Molly wrote Sherlock a letter for him to read the next day since she couldn't tell him now. Molly left the room and turned off the lights to let him sleep. Molly went to meet Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade in the hall way. The two had just finished talking to John just as Molly finished talking with Sherlock.

"How's John?" Molly asked.

"Sleeping," Lestrade said, "The emotional roller coaster he went through just now tired him out a great deal."

"I will check up on them in the morning. You two should go home. I will make them breakfast and do their shopping. Lestrade, Molly, all I want you to do is find them a case. Maybe it will help them build their bond again."

"I don't think that will work. I mean, they will be to emotionally unstable to solve a case without missing something." Molly objected.

"Not to mention, there are no good crimes for Sherlock right now. All we want him to focus on is Moriarty at the moment." Lestrade added.

Mrs. Hudson looked at the two in disappointment. "Fine, but I think it's time you both left."

Mrs. Hudson led Molly and Lestrade to the door and bid them a good night. Mrs. Hudson closed the door and went to her room to sleep.

Hello, Everybody! This is the author here. I just wanted to thank you all for reading my book. This is not finished yet but I just wanted to thank all of you for reading it. It has gotten more popular than I ever thought it would be (honestly I thought no one would like it or care about it) and I can't believe how fast it has grown. I don't know I just feel really motivated to get these chapters to you but I want them to be awesome because you guys are awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you and have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening or goodnight depending on when you read this. Bye-bye!


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