How could this happen to me?

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Before you read this, listen to the song above either before or while reading. You don't have to.
The day was amazing, the bright and clear sky, the warm air touched my skin and children were happily playing.
Nothing should be like this.
It should be grey and dull. Should be raining.
A hand places on my shoulder then slid to my furthest shoulder. The hand was a bit chubby, I looked at the man stood there.
More tears fell from my already red and puffy eyes, most fell onto my hands.
I made a bunch of mistakes... It's all my fault.
'Lucy please. Just come down... You can't spend forever here.' George said sadly. He lost some weight, but don't think that's good. It's not. He's been starving himself. A well he hasn't eaten, I can hear his poor stomach.
I'm not any better. I haven't eaten since it happened... And that was ages ago. I was staring to feel dizzy and tired.
'I don't care.'
'But Luce-'
'DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT!' I screamed, the sudden shout made George step back. I think my eyes turned to a sharp tone because George rushed downstairs.
'How could this happen to me? I made my mistakes. Got nowhere to run. The night goes on as I'm fading away.
I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream. How could this happen to me?'  I softly sang as I stood up. I tightly gripped the railing to the balcony.
It was all my fault. Lockwood died because of me.
It was my fault he was murdered.
It was my fault I couldn't help him.
It was my fault for splitting up...
'All alone.' I heard in my head, like a whisper. Multiple voices.
'No one cares for her.'
'You'll be doing everyone a favour by dying!'
'I would rather see you suffer than be happy! But happy isn't an emotion for you.'
'Hopeless. Useless.' The voices started to get louder and louder. 'Unwanted. Monster. Ugly.'
I clutched my head then I just looked down. Looked at the long way down.
'No one would care if you died!'
'Save us all the trouble!'
'Die! Die! Die!' The chanting for louder and more urging.
I'm useless.
I'm unwanted.
Nobody cares for me.
I deserve punishment for living.
I stood on the railing closing eyes. I hope I'll see you soon Lockwood. I might be able to tell you how I feel.
'Lucy I'm going to make some fo-' George said, he gasped as he saw me. 'Lucy no!' And he ran to me.
'I'm sorry... It's for the best.'
And I jumped.
I could hear George screaming my name and crying. He has lost enough.
I learned he lost his twin brother from an illness, and they were as close as anyone could get. His parents where suffering from brain damage.
He lost Lockwood. Now me.
The last sound I heard was a deep and loud crack.

I'll see you soon my love.
We will be together forever.
I smiled at him as I walked to his ghostly figure.

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