Happy illness

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I wrote this ages ago, it was my first Lockwood and co Fanfiction, and it was also 2 in the morning. I'm too lazy to re write it or go though it so... Enjoy?
Today was the best day a Lockwood & Co. I woke up at 11:45 which was really nice. I love a good lie in, but I was still half-asleep. After I quickly stuck a long shirt on in case the boys came out since I slept in my bra and panties.

A nice, warm shower. That's what I had. The hot water ran down my sweaty body. We had a hard case the night before: fires, a tight space. I'm planning to make chubby boy research more before cases start. There was only meant to be 2 Visitors, no, of course not.

7... 7 of them!

I thought of the relaxing day ahead of me. My face flushed when I heard a voice.

Now I know why your always smelling gross, you never have a proper shower.

The ghost grinned while I grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it over my then cold body.

'Why are you here?' I screamed while my heart inner abused my chest.

You brought me in. Then it stared at me for a few seconds. Woah the shirts you wear really presses down your torso.

'Save your insults!' My eyes looked away shyly. It might be a Visitor but I didn't want it seeing me like this. 'You better erase that memory and look away!'

It fell silent. I took that to wash my hair and body before I left the bathroom to get dressed in my room.

I dressed in a comfy, black top and skirt with grey tights. It was a rare 'no work' day, no cases, no interviews, no shopping. Just relaxing. Those days we more talk to each other than talk about cases.

The shun shone through my curtains, I love hot days, not too hot but not freezing. I took a deep breath. I spent 15 minuets showering and only 5 minuets before I realised the skull was watching... It wont let me live it down...

I walk to where the guys are. George is making tea while a scruffy guy is sat reading a magazine. I walk over to my seat and I sit down, facing the guy.

His dark hair covered in ash, his white skin even whiter from salt, clothes tattered. But he still looked handsome...

He glanced up from his magazine and smiled at me. 'Morning, Luce.' He says happily. I smile back but I also stare at him.

Lockwood seemed to understand, sighed and went to take a shower... Hopefully, he would move the ghost which is on the lid of the toilet...

George came in and gave me my tea, I nodded in thank you and I drank it. Yesterday, while me and Lockwood had that case, George bought some fancy tea and doughnuts for us. The tea was beautiful, best I've ever had in my life.

'Nice?' George asked and I nodded. On rest days like this I give George a rest from insults... Mostly.

The chubby worker held out a plate of doughnuts. 'Take one.' he insisted and I did, savouring the wonderful taste. I groaned happily. 'That was chocolate and... something else I can't remember...'

Later on I found out what that other flavour was...


While George washed the cups, Lockwood was messing with his hair like he does when he's a bit bored. It's funny cause he looks like a girl doing it. My stomach starts to twist and turn so I hold it groaning.

'Luce?' Lockwood said, he is now just wearing his uniform as he finds it comfy. I don't find mine comfy.

This is how to make a day worse... I put my hand over my mouth as I started to gag.

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