Trail and error

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Before i start, I want to say sorry for the sad stories. I think of them while I'm tired. I hope this can make up for it... Also, Lockwood and Lucy have dated for a year in this story.
Lucy's POV

'Rise and shine!' I heard in my ears, 'Wake up you lazy girl!'
I groaned as I woke up, I looked around then at the selves.
'What?!' I moaned, the skull laughed in my ears, his green plasm making the weirdest laughing face.
'It's 11am my friend.' He said. Oh god!
I rushed out of bed only to trip on on Lockwood's magazines. Not a great start to the morning.
'Anthony!' I screamed, then a tall man ran into the room. His warm arms lifted me up. 'How many times have I told you not to put your magazines on my side of the bed?' I asked as I patted down my nighty.
'Sorry, Luce. I just spent the night reading...' Lockwood said running his hands through his silky hair.
'One more time and your sleeping either on the couch or with George.' I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. It's always a wonderful feeling, and always washed of course. His arms rapped around my waist as he bent down and kissed my lips for a second.
'Got it.' He said standing up, making a scene about it. I scowled at him.
'Right. Mocking my height is immediate exit from the room.' I said as I pointed to the door. It was his - our- room. Never plays by the rules we set.
His bony hand caressed my cheek lovingly as he smiled at me. 'You know you can't sleep without me.' He mumbled as his eyes looked into mine. I felt my heart race.
While it was true, I felt so scared if I was far from Lockwood when I slept, I never showed it. Since for a few times I've nearly died being in my room alone. Annie Ward is one. I had a knife thrown at my window breaking it and it nearly hit me, then plenty of times George gave me heart attacks.
OK, the last one is an exaggeration but you get the idea.
The feel of his hand felt so nice to my cheek, I gently held his arm.
'Told ya.' She mocked, I gently hit his chest groaning. Always doing that.
'You evil human.' I said smiling, he bowed saying thank you. 'Come here.' I gently put my hands on his cheeks, bright his head closer to mine. Our noses touched as I was about to kiss him.
I had other plans.
Just before we kissed I shoved him on the bed throwing a pillow on his face. While I had a few seconds I quickly grabbed my clothes, when he took the pillow off, I gave him the finger than legged it to the bathroom. I had to push against his body weight (or what less he had of some) to close the door. I was laughing the whole time.
'12:15.' He said, his hand managed to get in and grabbed my shirt gently. 'Also.' He added, Lockwood pulled my shirt so I went to the little crack in the door and his lips softly touched mine.
Just before I could kiss back he was gone.
That idiot.
No. My idiot.
~~~~ time skip to later ~~~
I could barely walk. Every time Lockwood treats me I eat way too much.
I don't want him to waste the money we had to survive on.
Being the girlfriend of him had its ups and downs.
Ups being I could be with him, love him, and most importantly tease him. He cared so much about me. And him on a mission was amazing. He tuned more awesome- yes it can happen,
The down are that he's super protective over me, more than before. Constantly making sure I was safe got a little annoying. Even if sleeping in the same bed was nice his room was still covered in his junk. George feels left out, Holly left with how little she got paid. Of course I still talked to George to keep him here. Ok he's a good guy!
We only have a short time with George. Even if we still torture each other we get along more.
Why limited time? He was slowly dying. He had 2 years max to live.
It's not long if you think about it.
Lockwood took out something long and black. A blindfold?
'Just so you don't peek.' Lockwood said as he slowly rapped the blindfold around my eyes. This is darker than on cases!
His arms rapped around me from behind with his hands placed on my stomach as he softly kissed my neck. A wonderful feeling went through my spine.
I took his hand as I blindly walked to wherever he wanted me to go.
We walked till it became dark, they'll come out soon. I'll be vulnerable with this blind fold. I keep my inner ears open.
I felt some arms rap around my back and under my knees then they lifted me up.
'Nearly there, babe.' Lockwood said quietly. Even with my blindfold, I knew where things where. I sat up slightly, well, more like lifted, I kissed his soft neck then ran my fingers though his hair.
'Take all the time you need.' I said as I enjoyed the silkyness and softness of his hair.
A long time passed, I eventually got annoyed.
'How much longer?' I asked, Lockwood took off my blindfold and smiled at me.
'Here babe.' He said. When I looked behind me, my eyes widened, a huge smile and I think a lot of blush.
It was so beautiful. A shimmering lake in the moonlight, a peaceful waterfall above, flowers everywhere with calm and happy wild life all around.
I'll admit, it was worth the wait. When he put me down, I noticed how thick the forest was, the trees were close together. Like a hidden sanctuary.
'I-it's beautiful...' I stated still looking around. Lockwood smiled as he sat on the floor and gestured his hand to sit with him.
'Nothing can be more beautiful than you.' Lockwood said when I sat down. He always said stuff like that, but I still loved to hear them.
'How you find me beautiful I have no idea.' I said smiling. He held my left hand softly, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb going down my ring finger.
'How you can't see I have no idea,' he said slowly caressing my cheek. 'Your so beautiful that I wouldn't hesitate to love you. Anyone with a right mind would.'
I laughed and moved my hair behind my ears. 'But I belong to you.' I said quietly yet sweetly.
'Yes you do.' He stayed silent for a bit, I got a little worried.
'You alright?' I asked, he looked up at me.
'Lucy. Listen. For a long time n-' he started to say, it got interrupted by a gun shot that went to the side of us. I stood up with Lockwood and we legged it.
I never got to know what he was going to say...
A/N hey guys, I hope your enjoying this book, if it needs anything just tell me. Don't worry, this chapter isn't over.

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