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Lockwood's POV
Today has been the worst, and it wasn't even 10 am! The oven and cooker broke! Meaning no food! The kettle plug busted and I can't find my magazines!
My precious magazines. The thing I've been collecting for years now,
I sit there bored. I tried, (key word tried.) to draw but it looked like a kid from nursery drew it!
Despite being talented with a rapier, I would like to draw, instead of Lucy drawing portraits I would like to do one.
I stood up quietly walking to Lucy's bedroom. I opened the door slowly after knocking. She was fast asleep, barely moving. I walk over to her. She looked so peaceful and cute.
I put one of my bony hands on Lucy's soft cheek. Her skin felt so soft and smooth. I softly caressed her cheek sliding hand to her waist and I gently shook her.
'Luce?' I quietly said. I did it again a few times but I got nothing. Not a move. I tried again a little harder.
Panicking, I quickly put my fingers to her neck. I felt nothing.
Oh god she will kill me, I put my head on her chest, managing to place my ear on the area of her heart. I steadied my breathing as I listen.
I took my head away panicking.
'Lucy! Lucy wake up!' I shouted shaking her harder. Her chest wasn't moving. W-was she?
I took off her covers and saw nothing unusual, no ghost touch.
I felt tears running down my eyes. I lied next to her hugging her tightly, her body like an ice block. I cried into her shoulder.
'Don't leave me! We had a whole life ahead! How can I tell you I loved you now?' I said gradually getting quieter as the truth sunk in.
I looked up at her face, I put my hand on her cheek and softly kisses her lips for a few seconds.
Her lips were the only thing that were warm. When i pulled away to expect her to wake up.
She didn't.
I cried so hard hugging her body. George came up to check what was going on.
'What on earth are you shouting at?' George asked, when he saw my face his anger and annoyance melted. His eyes widened as he came to quickly check up on her.
I wouldn't let go.
I never will.
No. I refuse to believe she's dead! She will come back! Whether that's as a Visitor or back alive.
3 days went by and I hadn't moved except to quickly use the toilet. She still didn't wake. The doctor couldn't do anything apart from offer a funeral. I refused.
I was then hugging a rotting corpse. But I didn't care. All I wanted is Lucy to smile and come back. Take me into her arms.
'We went through so much together. Your a strong girl. I know you are. Just come back. I want to see that beautiful smile you can pull. Your hazel eyes. Hear your voice.' I've been like this all the time. Talking to her. Occasionally I would run my fingers through her hair or kissed her lips.
Even if she was starting to rot, her lisp were still fresh.
'Lockwood please!' George pleaded outside the door.
'Lucy will wake!' I shouted to him. When he opened the door he gently moved me aside and he hugged her. A tear fell down his cheeks. 
She will wake. I kept telling myself knowing full well she won't.
Both me and George shared her. She meant a lot to him, like a sister he never had. One that you annoyed but you loved deep down.
That's how they found us.
Hugging a corpse on both sides by two guys and the girl being the corpse. And the two men resting their lifeless bodies on the girls.
'Lockwood!' I heard, it echoed around and I did a 360 turn. There she was.
So bright and beautiful. She ran to me crashing into my chest, not hard though. I pulled her to me by her waist and kisses her lifeless lips.
'About time!' I heard, then I saw my best friend. Lucy smiled and rapped her arms around us, hugging us like we were hugging her.
'Let's go rest in peace.' She said softly. She rested her head on my chest and still hugged George.
'I love you, my family...' Was Lucy's last words...

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