Clumsy Lockwood

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Everyone thinks I'm so blind to the little hints I know Lockwood has been giving me. I'm not though, ok? Granted, at the beginning I was a little blind but it was becoming more and more obvious.
"Lucy, tea's on the table!" George shouted up the stairs with a huff in his voice.
"I'm coming!" I yelled back from the main bathroom. Unfortunately for me, my water temporarily stopped working in my homely bathroom so I now have to use the guys' bathroom... Do you know how disturbing it is to have a relaxing bath then find some boxers hanging from the show curtain railing? No? Be grateful.
I quickly hung the towel over the cream white radiator to dry as I shoved on my usual work gear minus anything on my feet. As I walked down the stairs I left water footprints- looking back on them I remember thinking of the Bloody Staircase and how much fun it would be to make fake blood and prank my friends, but that's another time. Sorting out my black jacket, I walked into the dining room.
On the table was George's should-be-famous cottage pie with carrots and peas. It was one of those meals that always went down a treat for all 3 of us, not Holly. Holly leant over the kitchen counter eating salad with hints of chicken, the thought makes me sick.
I was just about to have my 3rd fork full of the pie when I saw Lockwood grabbing seconds already. "Woah, someone's hungry." George commented before I could. I watched as Lockwood practically shovelled his seconds into his mouth. He started to choke and George held his arms up in a Y shape as I tried to help him. I stood by his side as I rubbed his back and patted it till he eventually calmed down.
"You had that coming to you..." George muttered as he started to slow down on his eating. I placed a hand on top of his and held it, brushing my thumb over the back of his hand.
"Are you ok?" I worriedly asked, he nodded with his reinsurance smile. I sat back down and dinner returned to normal.

It wasn't even 10 minutes after finishing our food did Lockwood mess up again.
Me and him were sat on the couch, both reading cheap novels, while George and Holly argued and tidied up and argued about how to tidy up correctly.
Lockwood leaned forward to grab his tea and spilled it all over his new issue of True Hauntings with a groan. I rushed up and grabbed a tea towel as he frantically wiped it down as if he spilt something on a very expensive tux.
Somehow, he managed to get some on his cosy- and slightly too big- blue jumper. With the tea towel I had, I tried to wipe it off his jumper. I hoped my face wasn't as red as I thought it was as I felt his skinny yet slightly toned out chest. If I'm honest, I think Lockwood was redder then I probably was. I huffed as I looked.
"Yeah that's not coming out..." I told him. An annoyed sigh escaped his lips as he went up to change. The second incident in an hour...

The third and final incident was when I was watering my fully bloomed, yellow tulips in the small baskets outside. While watering said tulips, I saw Lockwood again. He had changed shirts to a pure white one and a red coat on top, no idea where it came from but it looked nice.
"Where you going, boss?" I asked while pouring the water on the baskets.
"Doughnuts. Usual?" He asked me and I nodded, he nodded in reply and spent a few minute nodding our heads like bobble heads. We made eye contact for a few seconds, smiled, and then started to laugh at how stupid we looked. I heard Lockwood finishing the laughter before me and I watched as he looked away from him, his cheeks red with very obvious blush.
I'd never seen Lockwood this nervous or flustered before.
"Well... I best get going..." Lockwood stated with a hint of nervousness. He was so cute. I mean seriously, puppy cute.
He started to turn away to walk to the shop but I gently grabbed the taller male's slender arm and turned him around. With no warning, I pressed my lips against his as I slowly melted into a simple kiss. I assumed it only lasted for a few seconds maximum but it felt like a good few minutes.
My heart thumped rapidly against my rips, making it easy to feel through my left breast. My lungs caught a glimpse of his scent- cologne with strawberries, tea and a small hint of sweat- and my breath went shallow, only wanting to inhale that scent for now on. It was easily addictive and I now understood why you always see couples kissing. The feeling is so surprising, so unique. May have been my first kiss but was definitely the best.
"What was that for?" Lockwood asked with bright red blush on his cheeks. I smiled a little.
"For luck."
"Well, you have been very clumsy all day and I want my doughnuts in one piece." I laughed and pushed him playfully and walked inside, sinking to the floor in a red face.
Why did I do that?

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