Chapter one: goodbye

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You were the daughter of a farmer, you were a good kid, a kind hearted one, you always helped your father anyway you possibly could, especially protecting him from the evil queen. You loved your father dearly, but you also wished that you could go off on adventures and see the world, everything you had ever read about, and learned seemed to fasciniate you, but that always stopped you knowing that the evil queen was always around, and you couldn't let anything happen to your father. One day your father had realized how unhappy you seemed, so on your twenty first birthday you and your father were sitting at the dinner table eating quietly, until he began to speak "(Y/N) you are an amazing daughter, and I am thankful to have such a hardworking, and sweet girl like you.  I should of done this a long time ago my dear, but..." he paused for a second taking in a deep breath "It is time for you to go out and venture on your own" . Your eyebrows furrowed, "what do you mean papa?" Your father grabbed your hands into his own and said "What I'm trying to say, is that I want you to go see the world and leave this place!"

there was a worried expression on your face, You weren't sure how to take this, you did  want to go, but you also wanted to stay, you couldnt leave your father behind, especially knowing what the evil queen could do to him, "But papa, I don't need to see the world, theres so much here to do, who will take care of you? who will help you? how can i protect you from the evil queen if i'm not around?." your father took a deep breath in and smiled, and said "My dear, do not worry about the evil queen, I am capable of handeling things on my own, it is I who should protect you, that is why i want you to leave this place, this is no place for you, and I can not risk losing you." Your eyes began to water, and you hugged your father tightly.  Your father laughed a little and smiled embracing you into his arms. "There is a ship departing tonight, you must hurry if you want to catch it."  After you gathered a few things, you and your father rode your horses into town, and when you arrived , right in front of you was a ship, it was something you had never seen up close before. "Papa? this is the ship? I never imagined a ship would be this huge upclose!  who's this ship belong to?" you asked.  "I'm not sure! but you should get on quickly!" You and your father both got off your horses, and you took a deep breath in, "So....this is it papa.." you smiled at your father and wrapped your arms around him,  "Goodbye papa". your father released you from his arms, and smiled.  "Goodbye my dear".  You watched your father leave until you could no longer see him anymore.  

You headed for the dock and  got onto the empty ship, it was even bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Suddenly you heard foot steps behind you, "Oi! you there!! who are you? what are you doing on my captains ship?" you quickly turned around and saw a short chubby man, with a red hat, and scruffy looking brown hair. you bit your lip nervously and played with your fingers "My name is (Y/N)....I....I wanted to see if I could come aboard on this ship, maybe your captain needs new recruits on here?". the short man, curled his lip and stared at you for a few seconds, "The captains not here yet, but come with me, I'll take you to the captains cabin." The man took you to where the captains cabin was, and you entered the room. "Don't touch anything, I will go fetch the captain" said the man, and he slammed the door behind you.  You examined the room, It was small, and dim and it only contained a small bed in the corner, with a few windows behind a small wooden desk.  You looked around the room, and noticed there were a few unrolled maps on the desk, you walked towards them, and leaned in closer, there on one the maps read "neverland". As you looked at the map examining every part of it you were suddendly startled by the sound of the door opening and footsteps, you quickly turned but you did not see anyone there. Hello?" you called out but there was no answer. As the foot steps got closer you backed up into the desk until you saw a figure of a man coming towards you. He got closer and leaned in with a smirk on his face, "Hello love, I'm Captain Hook."

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