Chapter six: Neverland part I

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A/N : I hope you like it loves <3 Yes there's another part to this chapter.

The blue fairy led you out of the enchanted forest, suddenly your thoughts took over, you felt your heart break into a million pieces. You felt your tears flowing down your face, the expression in Robins eyes haunted you, the thought that you'd never get to Killian on time killed you inside. Suddenly the blue fairy interrupted you from your thoughts. "Here is your ship" she said as you both were standing in front of it, she handed you a small bottle and you reached out to grab it. "What is this for?" you asked her curiously. She then began to explain to you, "That is pixie dust, it is very powerful so you must use it wisely, it will help you escape Neverland after you have saved Killian, it's the only way you are able to leave Neverland, without're stuck". You knitted your eyebrows together, "Why couldn't Killian use this himself to escape Neverland?" the blue fairy sighed, "Because Peter has control over all pixie dust in Neverland, he has used it for dark magic and plans to use it to destroy all of the enchanted forest."

You tucked the bottle safely away into your vest and climbed aboard the ship, "Remember it is the second star to the left", the blue fairy sprinkled pixie dust onto the ship and it began to float up from the water. You looked over board and you could see that the floor was getting smaller, and the blue fairy was hardly visible. As soon as the fairy was no longer in sight you went to steer in the direction of the star, "I will find you Killian, and I will destroy Peter Pan" you told yourself. As soon as you arrived to the star, the ship sped fast, and you fell onto the ground, you crawled towards the wheel of the ship and held onto it tightly, then suddenly water splashed around and into your ship soaking your clothes. You stood up and there you were, in Neverland. It was an island, covered in trees, a lot like the enchanted forest, as soon as you landed to shore you climbed out of the ship.

"Are you Y/n?" a voice said from behind you, you turned around as you quickly drew out your sword, "Yes, who are you?" you asked pointing your sword to the person the voice was coming from. She cleared her throat, "I am Tinker Bell, I was the one who sent the message to the blue fairy." she was short, she had blonde hair that was pulled back into a messy bun, and she was wearing dark colored breeches and a shirt covered over a cardigan. She looked as if she had been there for a few months. You put your sword away, "You know where Killian is at?" you asked her. She nodded, "Yes, I can help you get to him, but it will be very difficult to help him escape from Peter. Peter is a very dangerous boy, he has unspeakable powers and he will kill you." You knitted your eyebrows together in anger, and tightened your jaw "Then I will die fighting him."

"Come with me, I will help guide you to where he is at" she walked into the forest of Neverland , you drew your sword out and followed after her. "Where does Peter have Killian?" you asked, "He has him trapped inside of a cave, it's highly guarded by Peters lost boys", she turned to you, "We have to be careful when we get there". You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion "Lost boys?" you asked. "Yes, they work for Peter, they are children Peter once kidnapped, they forgot who they were, and where they came from the second they landed to Neverland." You continued to follow Tinker bell deep inside the forest of Neverland, until you heard a scream, you stopped and yelled out "KILLIAN?!", Tinker bell quickly covered your mouth and whispered "No, don't yell he will hear us!" she said, and uncovered your mouth. "I need to get to Killian quickly! they're hurting him!" you said with tears flowing down your face.

You and Tinker bell both ran deeper into the forest, heading for the cave, as soon as you both got there you hid behind a few bushes, "Okay, this is where he's being held at" you looked between two leaves and saw two boys standing by the entrance of the cave, "I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN TO LET YOU DESTROY MY HOME!" you heard Killian yelling, and then he began to scream. You gasped and covered your mouth trying not to let out the cries. "We have to save him tinker bell" you whispered to her. You continued looking into the direction where they had Killian, You saw a young blonde headed boy come out of the cave with a bloody knife in his hand, He was smirking as he wiped it against a small cloth. He then began to speak to the two boys standing guard outside of the cave. "Make sure he doesn't try to escape" he said and walked off.

"I think, I have a plan" Tinker bell said and untied a small pouch from her belt and snuck up to where the boys were, she reached into the pouch and blew some dust to them, the boys suddenly fell onto the floor. She turned around and motioned for you to hurry into the cave. You ran quickly over to her "Sleeping powder, what a good plan" you said and smiled at her, "Thanks, I'll stay out here just in case they wake up, and just in case Peter comes back" you nodded and entered the cave. You saw Killian sitting inside a cage, he had his back facing you and you heard him laugh weakly, "I told you, I would rather die, haven't you had enough of torturing me, get it over with PAN!", you walked closer to the cage and saw that Killian had his head faced down when you stepped in front of him, "Killian?" you said, and once he looked up at you, you gasped and let out a small cry, you felt your heart break. This was not your Killian, this mans face was beaten badly, it was bloody and bruised. "Y/N?, what are you doing here?" he asked weakly. You quickly kneeled to the ground, "I received a message from the blue fairy, she told me you were captured here by Peter, I've come to rescue you and i've come to save the enchanted forest." Killian looked at you with his one blue eye, "You can't save me" he said.

"Killian, please don't say that I can't save you!, see this?" you took out the small bottle of pixie dust and showed it to Killian, he coughed and said "What is that?". "It's pixie dust, this has the ability to take us both home!" you reached into the cage and placed your hand onto his, "I will save you from this." You got up and searched for a rock to hit the lock on the cage that held Killian prisoner. You found one and began to hit the lock repeatedly. "It's not going to work, love" he told you, "Killian, it will work, I'm going to get you out of here" you said and continued hitting the lock until tears were falling down onto your face. "Just leave, return home it's useless.", you reached into the cage and placed your hand against his face, "I am not leaving you, Okay?." You got up and looked around, searching for something else to open the lock with, until you saw something shining on the wall, you walked towards it and to your surprise laid a key. You took the key, and ran to Killians cage, "I hope this works" you said, you slipped the key inside the lock and heard a small click.

You opened the cage and helped Killian out, You hugged him tightly. He winced feeling the tightness of your hug, "AH!", "I'm sorry Killian, lets get you home" you put his arm around you and you helped him out of the cage, "Tinker bell we're ready" you said. You and Killian were led into the Neverland forest, when suddenly you heard a laugh from behind you. "Going somewhere?" said the voice, you, Killian, and Tinker bell turned around and right in front of you stood Peter Pan holding Killians hook in his hand.

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