chapter four: the dark one

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Rumpel had his hands behind his back and walked closer to you, "that is right deary!" he said and giggled in a high pitched laugh.  you looked at him, "I don't understand, why are you here?". Rumpel sat down on top of the table and tapped his fingers together, "You see deary, you wished that you could make your pain, go away, right? I'm here to help you". he said smiling. You raised an eyebrow, "How can you help me?" you asked.  Rumpel took out a small clear bottle and shook it, "With this potion in my hand, it takes away all your pain, and suffering, it makes you forget about your true love". You reached for the bottle and he pulled it away, "AH, AH AH" he said pointing his finger and shaking it, "You, can only have it if ...we make a deal".  "What kind of deal? what do you want?" you said sternly.  "I want you to get me, a lock of Milahs hair, and if your mission is successful, then you can have your potion, and if not....well I'm afraid you don't get it at all" he laughed in his high pitched tone.

You looked at rumple, and suddenly heard a knock on the cabin door, "(Y/n) are you in there?" you turned to where rumple was but he had already vanished .  You wiped your face and fixed your clothes, and walked towards the door unlocking it, it was Killian, with Milah beside him "Killian? i thought you were at the tavern" Killian walked to you and put his arm around your shoulder, " I was just showing Milah here the ship, and now its time to go" he said pushing you out and shutting the door.  You clenched your jaw tightly, and stormed off into the enchanted forest.  You thought about Rumpels offer, if you had that potion, you could forget you ever loved Killian, the pain would go away, and you would never have to feel the feelings you felt, but getting a strand of milahs hair would be a bit of a challenge. You thought about it for awhile, and then called out his name "RUMPELSTILTSKIN!" you shouted, as you saw a cloud of smoke appear , Rumpel was standing before you, "So do we have a deal deary?". "If I bring you the hair, you promise to give me the potion?" you asked him. Rumpel nodded, " I always hold my end of my deals, deary".  You took a deep breath in and held out your hand to shake his, "We have a deal" you said, he shook your hand, "Oh goodie!" he said laughing his unusual high pitched laugh, and then he vanished.  You weren't sure what you had just done, you didn't know what Rumpel was capable of, but your thoughts of Killian and Milah together, the way that you felt about Killian all just needed to go away. You couldn't stand seeing the one man you truly love in the arms of another woman.  As you thought about Killian, you began to feel tears swarming down your face, you wiped them away, and headed back to the ship.

When you got to the ship you saw Killian embracing Milah in his arms, the pain pierced your heart when you saw these two together, kissing, and flirting, you wished that was you with Killian and not her. You clenched your fists and your jaw, you tried not to cry but it was hard, the way that you felt, it felt as if someone continuously peirced a dagger through your heart.  You turned around and walked away to the dock and sat down.  "(y/n) you alright dear?" you turned to see it was one of Killians right hand men, Smee, you put on a fake smile and said "Yeah, I'm fine, I just feel exhausted you know". Smee sat next to you, "It just seems like something isn't right, you can tell me you know, I won't judge you".  You patted smee on the shoulder, "Trust me I'm fine" you said and smiled at him, you got up from the dock "I think i'm going to bed, we have an early morning tomorrow" you chuckled and walked off heading towards the enchanted forest. As soon as you got there you made a bed next to a few trees and dozed off.   

It had been a few months since you had been staying in the enchanted forest, Killian always busy with Milah,

and you were always alone and whenever you tried to be near Killian, Milah would get in the way, she had turned Killian against you, and you were forced off the ship.  You were tired of it, tired of all this pain, tired that you had lost the one person who you truly ever cared about.  You had thought about the deal you had made with Rumple in your head over and over again.  You had to get that hair, but how?, as soon as you saw milah and killian head to the tavern, you went straight to the ship and snuck inside the cabin, there lay one of milahs dresses, and to your surprise there was a piece of long curly brown hair on the dress, you grabbed the hair and quickly tucked it away in your hankerchif, and walked out going back into the forest.  "RUMPLESTILTSKIN!!!" you called out, you saw smoke appear in front of you.  "Oh deary look who it is? so I assume you have the hair for me?" he said smiling.  You handed him the hankerchif, and he opened it up with an evil grin on his face. " You have done well deary", he said folding the hankerchif and putting it away inside of his vest.  He then took out the small potion bottle.  "Remember deary, this potion will make you forget you ever loved that pirate of yours, now you decide if you want to drink it or not, but beware all magic comes with a price" he said, and he vanished.  You put the potion away , and headed for the tavern.

Suddenly you bumped into a man "Oh!" you said as you fell down.  "I'm dearly sorry madam" he said and held out his hand for you to grab it, you looked up at him and saw the gentleman smiling, you grabbed his hand and smiled back as he helped you up from the ground, "are you okay?"  he asked, you moved a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled shyly, "I'm fine, it was my fault, I wasn't looking". He chuckled and said "Well I'm glad you're okay, otherwise if you weren't I'd feel terribly horrible".  "No worries, no broken bones or anything, so I'm fine".  "I'm Robin Hood by the way, but you can call me just Robin."

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