chapter two: Captain Hook

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You stared at the man before you, as he leaned in closer , He had dark hair that was swept back, a scruffy beard, and all you could see were his bright blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. This man was beautiful, and it was unbelievable how someone who looked like him was a captain of this very ship.  "C..Captain Hook?" you said. "AYE, thats right! but you can call me Killian! you know, I was told someone was waiting for me, but I didn't know it was a woman" he put his hand to his waist and chuckled, you looked down at his hand and could not help but notice that he had a hook on his left hand, now you knew the reason why he called himself "captain Hook".  "So, what is it that you wanted to see me for? perhaps for a bit of some... fun? " he said as he winked at you.

You cleared your throat, "Well...I...I was hoping, you'd let me sail with you, maybe?"  he raised an eyebrow and looked up at you and said " Sail with me? and why exactly should I let you join me?" You looked him in the eyes for a moment " My father...he wanted me to leave, because he thought it was time for me to be on my own, and also" you looked down and played with your fingers nervously "because of the evil queen Regina, my father thinks he can protect me, if I were to leave" Killian stared at you for a moment "And your father thinks that by being with me, a pirate, you're safe?" he looked down and shook his head laughing .

 "Alright" he rubbed his chin "I'll let you join" you looked up at him once more and he leaned in closer to you until your mouths were barely touching, you breathed in the faint smell of rum on his breath. As you stared into those mesmorizing beautiful blue eyes, you began to feel your heart pounding, you were sure it was going to come out of your chest, you started to breath heavily, he was so close to you. "W..what is that?" you said hesitantly. He smiled at you, and raised his hand and gently grabbed the string from the top of your dress with his fingers "first love, you might want to change out of this dress you got on, wouldn't want to put you in harms way, especially with a bunch of pirates running around my ship".

He took a few steps back and turned around walking towards the corner of the room where there was a dresser located.  He opened the dresser and took out a shirt, vest, and a pair of black breeches. "These will do for now, you can get new ones when we hit the next port" he handed you the clothes, and you smiled as you took them, "uhm.. thanks".  he stayed silent for a moment with one of his fingers on his lips, as he looked at you "I'll leave you to change then, unless you would rather let me watch, you know for safety precautions" he smirked at you.  " i'm okay, thanks" you said. "very well then, meet me out on the deck after you're done". he said and he walked off and closed the door behind him.

As soon as you were dressed you walked out of the captains cabin and saw the men all scurrying all over the ship, some pulling on the ropes to fix the sails, some scrubbing the deck and others pulling the anchors out of the water. "ARE WE READY TO SAIL LADS!?" shouted the captain, "AYE CAPTAIN!!".  You looked overboard and you could see the ship was moving, as soon as it departed you went to go meet Killian, you saw him steering the ship, you never seen something so angelic and graceful, you always thought pirates were old and ugly, but not this one, he was the most handsome pirate you have ever  laid your eyes on. "Uhm, Captain?" you said nervously, he chuckled "You can call me Killian, i already told you that love!, by the way you didn't even tell me your name" he said steering the ship. "My name is (y/n)" . "Well its a pleasure to meet you (y/n), welcome aboard the Jolly Roger love."


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