Chapter Seven: Only You part II

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A/N: alright so I still hope you all like this it's long I know.

Readers POV:

You fluttered your eyes open and there Killian was sitting over you smiling, "Y/N you're alright!" he said, as he helped you sit up .  You had a confused expression on your face and crunched your eyebrows together.  "W....what happened to me?" you asked him. "What do you remember exactly love?", you looked down at the ground and shook your head, "I just remember us getting back from Neverland, and we sat down  on that log, after that everything went black" Killian sighed, "You nearly died, when Peter had struck you with his blade, it was full of poison you fell onto the floor and the poison was spreading, I had no other choice but to call that bloody crocodile"  you gasped, "You called him? but why? Killian.. I" Killian then interrupted you, "Because, I love you and it would have killed me to never tell you how much you actually mean to me...I now realize this, that you have always been there for me, and I'm such a bloody fool to not realize this until now." You took in a deep breath, feeling your heart thumping faster against your chest, you felt butterflies in your stomach, you had longed for him to say these things to you, and now that he had said them, it felt right.  You fiddled with your fingers nervously,  as you spoke those three words to him "Killian, I...I love you too." you smiled at him and looked into his eyes, even though he was still bruised, you could still see his beautiful blue orbs. He had a smile sprawled across his face and he leaned in till both your foreheads touched.  What was he doing? what is going on? when suddenly he interrupted you from your thoughts with a gentle kiss on your lips. You couldn't believe what was happening, the moment you had been waiting for was really happening.  Killian pulled away and looked into your eyes smiling, "I think, we should find a place to stay for the night, it's starting to get dark" he said as he moved a strand of hair from your face, he got up from the ground and helped you up after. "Killian?" you said, "Hmm?",  you bit your bottom lip "What...kind of deal did you make with .......the dark one?" Killian smiled at you, "I gave him my ship, because honestly a ship is just a ship, and you....there is only one of those love" he ran his finger against your cheek which sent shivers down your spine, "Now lets go find someplace to rest for the night." 


You and Killian searched for a place in the Enchanted Forest to rest for the night, you walked deeper into the enchanted forest , "I think we should stay right here for the night" Killian said as he sat down near a rock, you looked around and saw a faint light from the distance, "Killian, I think there's something over there" you said squinting your eyes. Killian got up and looked in the direction of the light, he took his telescope out from inside of his jacket and looked through it, "It looks like there's a farm there" he said and he put his telescope away.  "Maybe the people who own that place will let us stay for the night" you said, Killian shook his head, "No love, right here is fine and besides I don't think I could even make it there, I feel exhausted" he said as he sat back down onto the rock. "I think, I'll find some wood so we can make a fire, I won't be long I promise." you smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. He grabbed your wrist "Be careful, If you hear anything suspicious come running back." You smiled, "You do know I spent awhile with you sailing, trust me, if I can handle pirates, I'm sure I can handle anything else" you smirked and walked off to find some wood. 

Killian's POV:

As soon as she left, I heard a crunching noise from a distance I turned around and looked between the bushes from where the noise was coming from "HELLO? is anyone out there?." The bushes rustled and brushed against each other, again I heard a crunching sound, "Bloody hell, who ever it is come out here and show yourself!" I said. Then out came a figure, I stood up as they came closer, "Who the bloody hell are you?" I said crunching my eyebrows and as I grabbed the handle of my sword ready to pull it out. Once the figure was close enough for me to see, they took off their hood, there stood a man, the same man that I saw outside the tavern with Y/N.  "I've seen you before, you're the man that was with Y/N, at that tavern!". He crunched his eye brows deep in thought, "Right, I didn't get to properly introduce myself before, I'm Robin Hood" he said as he extended his arm out. I raised my eyebrow and shook his hand, "Hook" I said.  I heard a noise from behind me and something fall to the floor, Y/N stood there in shock and ran up to the man "ROBIN!" she said as she hugged him tightly, I felt a rage of jealousy spark within me.  I clenched my jaw and tighten my fist. "Robin helped me a lot for awhile, I never thanked him" she said as she put his arm around his shoulder. "Ah! so I see, well he is a fine ......gentleman for doing so." I said.  I watched them as they spoke, the way she had rubbed his arm, or joked with him made me feel like she needed that instead of me. I was interrupted by my thoughts when she spoke "Killian, Robin has offered to let us stay with him for the night! what do you say?"  I smiled and grabbed her hand, "If that is what you want, then I will follow."  


Robin led us to a small cottage not to far from where we were at, he opened the door and I stood there staring at the small cottage, Y/N looked back , "Are you coming in or what?" she said as she smiled at me, I smiled back at her "I just remembered something love I....left my telescope ...I'll be back." I said as I turned around and walked away, I stopped as I heard her shout ,"WELL HURRY BACK!."  Then I continued walking deeper into the forest, something about how I felt was off, I never felt that feeling before, a rage of jealousy? Is this what it felt like to actually be in love?.  I stood there and leaned against a tree as I placed my hand over my eyes.
I was suddenly startled as I felt someone from behind me, touching me, as they whispered into my ear "Well, you actually made it out of Neverland alive!" I quickly turned around and saw Milah standing there smirking. "Milah?." 

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