chapter three: Milah

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a few months had passed since you left home, you got to explore many different places you never even heard of. You and Killian developed a close friendship with one another over the months that you had been sailing with him on the Jolly Roger. You became his co-captain, his one person he trusted more than anything in this world. The more time you spent with Killian, the more you began to fall in love with him, he had never let anyone in like he did with you.

 One morning you entered Killians cabin, and you saw him there resting on his bed, you walked towards him quietly and you sat beside him, you smiled as you saw the pirate laying there peacefully.  You traced his jaw line with your fingers softly, and moved a piece of hair away from his face.  He furrowed his eyebrows and opened his beautiful blue eyes, he smiled at you and sat up . "I'm sorry Killian, I didn't mean to wake you!". he chuckled and rubbed his eyes "It's alright love, I was getting up soon anyways".  Killian got out of his bed and stretched his long arms out and yawned, you watched him walk towards the table to grab his hook as he fastened it on, something about that hook gave you shivers down your spine, you thought it was quite attractive.  He looked at you and chuckled "You alright love, you seem to be zoning out there", you quickly snapped out of your thoughts, "uhm yeah i'm good, I was just curious", he furrowed his eyebrows "Curious? about what?".  you walked closer to him, and he straighted his body up, you took his hook in your hand, and trailed your fingers on the cold metal, "This hook, is interesting, I never asked you came to have this hook..what happened?" he cleared his throat, and his voice sounding angry as he spoke  "thats a story for another time ".

He moved out of in front of you, walking towards the door of his cabin "You know, you can tell me anything, right?" . He turned around "Maybe some other time" then he walked out and slammed the door behind him. You were startled by the sound of the door slamming.  you sighed, and walked out after him.  You felt the cold breeze in your face as you walked out onto the deck. "Fine day we are having aren't we" said one of the sailors, you smiled "Yeah, its beautiful". He walked off and began scrubbing the deck, you went to look overboard and studied the blue water that was glistening from the sunlight.  "Isn't the water beautiful" said a familiar voice, you turned around and saw killian standing behind you, "Yeah, very",  Killian smiled "Listen, I didn't mean to sound harsh back there, I just get angry when it's brought up". You smiled at Killian, "Its okay Killian, I understand" .  You and Killian stood queitly looking out into the ocean, until you both saw a land from afar, "What is that?" you said, he took out his telescope and looked through it, "I know exactly where we are at, looks like we're headed for the enchanted forest" .

once the ship arrived to the enchanted forest the men all got the ship settled in so no one could steal it away.  "Alright men!, looks like we're going to stay here for a while, we gotta get this ship cleaned and ready to set sail again, but for now lets all get drinks!" the men all shouted in excitement, and went to the nearest
tavern located not far from the docks. "Are you coming love?" Killian smiled and held out his hand waiting for you to grab it, you smiled back at him and took his hand,and you both walked to the tavern.  AS soon as you got closer to it, you could hear singing, and cheering, and laughter. You had never been to one of these places before.  Killian opened the door for you and you entered, and he came in right after you. "Well, would you like me to get you a drink?" he said, "uhm, no I think I'm good, thanks" you said scratching your head. "Alright love, just take a seat and I'll be there" he said and walked off to get a drink. As soon as he left, you walked to where the rest of the crew memebers were .  "BET YOU A PINT OF WHISKEY KILLIANS GOING TO FIND HIMSELF A LOVER FOR THE NIGHT!" said one of the sailors to the other, "YOU'RE ON!" and they hit their bottles together and left to dance.  You shook your head and giggled, as you watched them dance with everyone else.  Then your eyes searched for Killian, You saw him sitting there talking to a woman.

She had long dark brown curly hair, her smile spread wide across her face, and she had a beautiful brown dress on.  Who was she? Did Killian know her?.  You saw her laugh and rubbed Killians shoulder and his arm .  You felt jealousy rage inside of you, but you so much wanted to hide it.  You watched Killian flirt with this woman, he pulled a few strands of her hair behind her ear, and carassed her cheek.  You could see her face turning red and blushing from the contact she had with killian.  She quickly glanced at you, and you turned around facing a different direction.  You suddenly felt a pain shoot through your chest, you were definitely in love with Killian, and that woman had all of his attention.  "AYE!" Killian said standing next to the table you were sitting at, you looked up and you saw him with the woman, and they were holding hands.  "I'd like you to meet Milah, Milah this is (y/n) " milah smiled and held out her hand "Its really nice to meet you!" she said. you shook her hand and smiled "same here Milah".  

Milah and Killian sat down at the table you were at, as you saw them flirting, you felt a nauseating pain shoot through your stomach, you felt yourself clenching your fists, you had never felt this feeling of jealousy before.  You got up calmly , "I think, I'm going to head to bed for the night", Killian crunched his eyebrows and looked at you, "Are you alright love?" he asked, you nodded, "I'm just feeling a little, sick, but i'm sure with some rest I'll be good as new tomorrow" you said faking a smile. "Alright love, feel better".  you said goodnight to him and you walked quickly out of the tavern not looking back to where Killian was.  As soon as you heard the tavern door shut, you took a deep breath feeling your emotions rush out of you all at once.  A burst of tears came flowing down your face, you were deeply in love with Killian, but you knew he didn't return the same feelings for you.

Once you stepped onto the ship, you saw one of sailors onboard, he looked up at you with a worried expression on his face, "You alright dear?" he said, you wiped your face, "yeah I'm fine, I'm just...really tired" you said and you walked into the cabin.  You locked the door behind you, and laid down on the bed, you sobbed, until you could no longer cry anymore. You were numb, you couldn't help this feeling you felt for Killian, you loved killian deeply, but you wished the pain would go away.  Suddenly you heard an unfamiliar voice in the corner of the cabin, "Pirates are always a bad choice to fall in love with deary".  you sat up quickly drawing out your dagger, "Who's there?".  As the shadow came into the light, he introduced himself, "I am Rumplestiltskin, at your service deary" he said with a smirk on his face and bowed . He looked like he came out of a pool of gold, he was glistening, yet he looked scaley and dry, his eyes were big, and dark, his hair long and greasy. and his clothes looked somewhat old.  You furrowed your eyebrows  "Rumpelstiltskin?"

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