Chapter five: Robin Hood part III

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A/N: Alright I lied.  I made this into a third part and I just used a different header for my chapter.  I hope you are all enjoying the story.


It had been a few months since you had last seen Killian, he was long gone, he had sailed away on the Jolly Roger with Milah. He never came looking for you after that night you had told him that your friendship with him was over. You felt guilty about that, every night you had nightmares about the anger and the hurt on his face. "Y/N are you alright?", Robin asked. You snapped out of your thoughts, "Yeah I'm fine" you said and smiled. "Alright good, cause I need you sharp and ready, you gotta learn to shoot these arrows if you want to be as good as me" Robin said grinning at you. You shook your head and softly punched Robins arm as you laughed, "Robin please, I could probably aim for all of these targets with my eyes closed" you teased. You had been staying with Robin for a few months since that night of the fight you had with Killian. Robin was the most kind hearted human being you have ever known, you didn't think you'd get this close with anyone else. Robin treated you right, he treated you with respect, and he was very overprotective with you. You were like his family to him, and he was like family to you. Robin taught you every thing he knew, he was even teaching you how to be a magnificent archer like himself, although you dreaded the early mornings for target practicing, you quite enjoyed it.

"Alright Y/N just stay focused, I want you to hit that target right there on that tree", you positioned your arow onto your bow and pointed it to your target, you took a deep breath in and exhaled everything out. "Relax, don't think about anything but the target and once you feel ready release the arrow" Robin said, and you did. As soon as you felt ready and relaxed you released the arrow, you could hear the sound it made when it took off, something about shooting arrows gave you some kind of adrenalin rush, as soon as the arrow made it to the target you gasped with excitement. "Even better than before" Robin said with a smile sprawled across his face. "Well, I do have a great teacher." you said smirking, Robin blushed a little and pursed his lips. "I think, it is time we celebrate! how about I take you to the tavern for some drinks m'lady". you bit your lip nervously, "I'm not sure thats a good Idea Robin, I know I hate that place!" you said. Robin sighed, "Y/N it has been way too long since you even went, and besides Killian is gone forever, let's go! let's just have a bit of some fun, and if you feel uncomfortable we'll come back home okay?", Robin said grabbing your hands into his, "It'll be fun, I promise", He smiled at you and you smiled back, you couldn't deny that lovely smile of his, so you gave in "Alright! fine lets go" you said laughing. You locked arms with Robin and headed towards the tavern.

You and Robin spent all night at the tavern laughing and having fun, until it was time to go home. As you both left the tavern, Robin interlaced his fingers with yours. You looked down at your hands and it caused you to blush, "So we don't get lost" Robin chuckled and you smiled at him. You both went into the enchanted forest and as you were headed home, you saw a dim light coming towards you both, "Robin?" you said pointing to the direction from where the light was coming from, "Do you see that?" you said pointing with your finger. Robin looked towards that direction and squinted his eyes, "I do! it looks like its coming closer to us!" he said. He let go of your hand and stood in front of you as the light came closer it became more blue and more bright, it stopped right in front of Robin and it began to speak, "Y/N?" you moved beside Robin, and you saw that it was a fairy, she was so beautiful her skin was so flawless, she looked like a tiny doll, so fragile. She had brown hair that was pinned into a bun and a tiny blue dress that matched with the glowing light she had around her. You then realized who she was, she was known as the Blue Fairy. "Yes?" you said crunching your eyebrows together. Why was she looking for you? you thought to yourself. She then began to speak again. "I have urgent news, It's about Killian Jones". Your heart began to pound rapidly against your chest when you head Killians name, what could this urgent message be? was he dead?, "Urgent? what is going on? is he okay?" you said worridly. The blue fairy sighed and said , "I'm afraid....Killian has been held captive by someone very evil, he goes by the name Peter Pan." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at Robin with a worried expression on your face, "Why is Peter holding him captive? What does he want with Killian?", "Peter plans on destroying everything here in the enchanted forest, but he can not leave Neverland unless he switches bodies with someone else". You gasped and put your hand over your mouth. You had to save Killian, and you had to save the enchanted forest from Peter.

"You must hurry before it is too late, Peter plans on doing it very soon.You must follow me,  I have a ship waiting for you."
you faced Robin and took his hands into your own, "I have to save not just Killian, but everyone from this" Robin squeezed both of your hands and brought them up to his chest, you could see the hurt in his eyes, He shut his eyes and kissed both of your hands. "Go be a hero".  You hugged Robin tightly,  you could feel the tears flowing down your face as you let him go.  As you began to follow the blue fairy,  you looked back until Robin was out of your site. 

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