Chapter Seven: Only you part III

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A/N: so...I still don't know what I'm doing here I think I wrote this part a little bit long so hopefully you can get through it all. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story. I know theres a difference in a lot of things. I just wanted to tweak it up a little bit.

Killians Pov:

I saw Milah standing there, "What are you doing here Milah?" I asked, as she smirked and raised her eyebrow at me. "You know, I didn't think after all these months that the little wench would actually come to the rescue, you know with you breaking her heart and all" she said as she laughed. I tightened my jaw, "You should leave Milah." Milah came closer and placed her cold hand onto my bare chest as she began to slowly rub it upward, I shuttered at her cold touch "You still want me, I can tell in your eyes Killian" she said as she bit her bottom lip. I grabbed her wrist and pushed her against a tree, I raised my hook to her throat "I don't want left me to die in Neverland!" Milah just laughed in my face, "Oh Killian please, you would have done the same!" I dug the point of my hook into her a little deeper, "I would have tried to save you!" I shouted at her, she pushed my hook away from her throat, and leaned into me until our faces were close with one another, and all of a sudden her lips were on mine. I pushed her away, and Milah smirked as she looked behind me, then I heard a voice "K...killian?" I turned around and there she was standing there, "Y/N, it's not what it looks like!" I could see her eyes glossy, then one by one tears were slowly falling down on her face. She turned around and ran, "Y/N! WAIT!" I shouted as I ran after her.


readers pov:

I watched Killian leave and I shouted at him to hurry up, he stopped and then continued walking into the forest. I watched until he had disappeared. Robin had led me into the cottage and I sat directly on a wooden chair located near the fire place. "What is up with that pirate of yours, looks like hes not very fond of me." Robin said as he placed a block of wood into the fire place. I smiled at him, "I honestly, don't think he likes you too much Robin." Robin shrugged his shoulders and turned back to fix the fire. I rubbed my hands together and placed them near the heat, Robin sat next to me and grabbed my hands, "Here let me" he raised my hands up to his mouth and he blew on them, I could feel his hot breath warming them up. "Better?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "I was beginning to worry I wouldn't see you again. " I smiled at Robin, "I would have come to visit you, especially for everything you had done for me." He smiled at me and got up, I'm going to grab a drink do you want anything? " he asked, I nodded my head no , "I think I better go find Mr. Hook" I laughed and stood up. "I don't think you should go alone, there's dangerous ogres and people out there, I'll come with. " Robin said as he grabbed his bow and quiver .


We were both out into the darkness of the enchanted forest, "Killian?" I called out but he did not answer, we searched for what seemed like a few hours until I heard the sound of people, "Robin, I think I hear something" we both walked to where the sound was, and as we got closer I couldn't believe what I had saw, Milah had her lips planted onto Killian's, she looked directly at me and smirked, I felt a lump inside my throat as I tried to get his name out "K... Killian?" He turned around and saw me, I tightened my jaw and I could feel my tears coming down my cheeks one by one
I ran as fast as I could, I could hear him calling me, but I did not turn back. I ran deep into the Enchanted Forest until I was no longer able to run anymore. I stopped and gasped for air as I leaned against a tree and sat down hugging my knees. I put my head In between them crying. Then I felt a hand on my back. "Y/N?" I whispered "Go away Killian." I felt Killian sit next to me as he wrapped his hand around me. "Love...I'm not leaving you out here alone...Y/N...Milah was the one that kissed me, I pushed her away, I could never hurt you in any way..I love you I would be a bloody fool to even consider ever trying to break your heart." I raised my head up and looked into Killian's beautiful blue eyes, he smiled that beautiful smile of his and wiped a tear away from my face with his hook. "Do you really mean what you say?" I told him, and he nodded "Aye." He smiled at me and helped me up from the ground. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered, Killian had noticed and took off his coat and draped it around me "Is that better love?" I nodded and smiled.


Robin came running to us, "What went on? Y/N are you okay?" he asked me, "Yeah Robin..I'm fine." Robin looked at Killian angrily "You! Everytime! it's always you!" Killian stepped in front of me, and took his sword out pointing it at Robins throat. "I suggest you shut your mouth before I cut off your tongue outlaw." "You guys, stop!" I shouted but they paid no attention to me. "Oh are you going to kill me pirate?" Killian pressed the end of his sword into Robins throat, "I will kill you if I have to" he said as he tightened his jaw. "YOU BOTH STOP!" You yelled and they had turned to face you. "Well, look at that the out law and the pirate fighting over the little wench", Milah said laughing from behind you. You all turned around, "Milah, you need to leave!" You told her and she stood there smirking at you. "Oh, aren't you the brave little one? But I'm not leaving, I came back to claim what's rightfully mine. " she looked directly at Killian before she spoke again "Now, Killian be a good little pirate and come with me. " you clenched your fists together "He doesn't want to be with you Milah! You left him to die in Neverland! that's not how you treat your true love! " Milah just laughed in your face , "Oh and I suppose you're going to stop me? You can't stop me little one", You furrowed your eyebrows and tightened your jaw you felt anger within you "No, I can't stop you... But I know someone who can!" Killian and Robin looked at you, and then you said the one name no one had expected you to say "RUMPELSTILTSKIN!" Their eyes widened "y/n what are you doing? " Killian said as he stepped closer to you, "Rumpel can't kill me, I have a protection spell around me. " Milah said folding her arms as she leaned her back against a nearby tree. A cloud of smoke appeared in between the both of you, "Hello dearies." Rumpel said, He then faced Milah and smirked at her, "It's been awhile MIlah." Milah scoffed and spat at Rumpel, "Rumpel, seems like you haven't changed a bit, you still look like the same man I married...A coward! would have figured the darkness would have changed you." she said laughing . Rumpel kept his eyes steady on Milah, still smirking at her. He laughed in his high pitched laugh and took out a bottle from inside of his coat, "What's that you've got there?" she asked.

Rumpel waved the bottle in front of her, "You see deary, the darkness has changed me." He laughed once more and stuck his hand inside of her chest, she gasped for air and her eyes widened, he pulled out her red glowing heart "Rumpel? but how?" she said clenching onto her chest as he squeezed onto it. "Well, you see deary in this bottle of mine contains something of yours...a piece of hair and with that hair I used it to break your protection spell, so the darkness did change me, by getting my revenge on you" He squeezed more onto her heart and she clenched her chest even more tighter, falling to her knees, "Rumpel! don't do this please, what about Bae?" Rumpel looked down at Milah and caressed her face with his long dry finger, "He doesn't need a mother like you, who abandoned him remember?" and the corner of his mouth curved upward as he squeezed her heart harder turning it into ash. Her eyes widened, and she fell onto the floor. "Goodbye deary" Rumpel said. He turned to face the three of you. "That's what you wanted her hair for? so that you could kill her?" Killian looked at you with confusion "What are you talking about Y/n?" you took a deep breath in, "I was the one who gave him the hair...because I made a exchange for a potion" You could feel Killian's eyes staring down at you, "What was the potion for?" he asked, "To forget I ever..." you paused for a moment before finishing your sentence, " loved you." Killian straightened up his body, "What?", he asked. "I didn't take the potion, I was just mad that .." you felt a lump inside of your throat unable to get what you wanted to say out, "I wanted you to love me back, but you didn't because you were in love with Milah, and I just wanted to forget everything I had ever felt for you..It pained me to see you with her Killian .... then Rumpel came to me and we made a deal, I just didn't know he was planning on killing her." You looked down, at your feet, you heard someone walk closer towards you until they were standing a few inches away. You looked up and saw Rumpel smiling at you, "I owe my success to you dearie, without your help I would not have been able to do it." he said as he laughed. You furrowed your eyebrows, but before you could speak he disappeared leaving the three of you in the cold darkness of the Enchanted forest.

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