Chapter Eight: The Evil Queen part II

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Regina walked over to you as she ran her fingers against the ropes of the ship. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, other wise I would of ripped your heart out for calling me Regina." she raised and eyebrow and smirked. You furrowed your eye brows "What do you want Regina?" Regina got closer to you, "I want to make you a little deal with you, you see there is something of my mothers that your little pirate has on his ship, and I want it back." You clenched your jaw and looked into Regina's eyes, you saw the pure evil on her face. "Why would I ever do anything for you? If you and your guards practically tortured me and my father!" Regina extended her arm out and grabbed you by the throat "Listen girl, you might want to accept this deal if you know whats good for you!" you grabbed her arm holding onto it trying to release yourself from her grasp. "Now that I have your attention, I need a certain book on your little pirates ship, the one he calls the Jolly Roger, get it for me and I will leave you and your father alone, and if you fail to do so I will kill the both of you along with your pirate." Regina let you go and you fell to the floor gasping for air. "It's too late! He no longer has the Jolly Roger" You paused taking in a few breaths and chuckling , "Rumpel owns the Jolly Roger now." She raised an eyebrow, "Is that so? I never would of thought your pirate would of given up his ship." she said laughing, "Looks like you need to make a deal with Rumpel then." You got up to your feet rubbing your throat, "I'm done making deals with demons like yourselves!" Regina extended her arm and there on her hand appeared a fire ball, "You might wanna think twice about that sweetie, I can be twice as bad as Rumpel." she said as she aimed the fire ball towards you. You ducked down and it hit the door of the captains cabin. "Get that book for me, or suffer the consequences." She disappeared in a cloud of smoke. You stood there rubbing your throat looking at the damage she had caused the ship. "Love, are you alright?" Killian said as you heard him running to you, you turned around and he wrapped his arm around you looking at the damage of the ship as well. "What happened? I heard a loud bang and I came running outside." You looked into Killians eyes with a worried expression, "Regina said she would kill us and my father if I didn't get her some book you had on the Jolly Roger, she said it belonged to her mother?" Killian knitted his eyebrows together, "Aye, it's a spell book."


Later that day you and Killian sat at a table at the end of the tavern, "What could Regina possibly want with the spell book? She said that I'd have to make a deal with Rumpel to get it back?" Killian was deep in thought before he spoke, "I don't want you to go and make any more deals with that crocodile, its bad enough I had to give him my ship, there's nothing more we could possibly give him." You sighed, "She said she was going to kill us and my father! how can you not consider going to the dark one in a situation like this." Killian slammed his fist onto the table, and yelled "ENOUGH!" the tavern got silent and stared in the direction of where you and Killian sat. He got up and walked out of the tavern, and everyone continued to join their festivities. You walked out after him, "Killian wait!" you said running to him. You grabbed his arm and stopped him, "I think it's something that I need to do in order for me to protect my father, to protect you. Whatever the consequences are, I will pay for them." Killian took a deep breath in, "I don't want to lose you, you went through enough, saving me from Pan, almost dying! I can't let you do this, making deals with him always come with a price and it's too risky!" You grabbed his hand into yours, and looked into his beautiful sparkling blue eyes. "I need to do this Killian, for us, for my father." he sighed and looked at you. "Alright love, but we're doing this together." You kissed his cheek and smiled. "Thank you."


Later that night you both walked deep into the woods where no one could see the both of you, "You ready love?" he asked and you nodded your head, "Rumpelstiltskin?" as soon as you called out his name he had appeared in front of you. "Ah, hello dearies I wasn't expecting to see you two again." he said laughing. "What can I help you with." You pursed your lips together, but before you could speak Killian interrupted you. "We need your help." Rumple rolled his eyes, "Obviously, if you called me deary, but It's not you who wanted to get my help, it was her wasn't it?" he asked as he pointed at you and grinned. "I need a spell book that belongs to Regina, it's on the Jolly Roger if I don't get it back she will kill us and my father." Rumpel interlaced his hands together deep in thought, "Ah! This is for the evil queen" he said grinning. "Alright, I'll give it to you but first I want to make a little deal with you." You cringed at the thought of making another deal with the dark one. "W...what kind of deal?" you said. "I want your sword." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, "My sword?" Rumpel rolled his eyes at you, "Yes the sword!, I want it!" You reached for your sword and handed it to him, Rumpel took the sword and placed it on the side of his hip. "Now the spell book?" Rumpel smirked and with a wave of his hand the spell book had appeared. It was silver, with gold plated corners and gems encrusted inside of them, but the center of the book seemed to draw your attention, It was diamond shaped and in the center lie a red ruby heart. You took the spell book from Rumpel, "Now dearie, this book is very delicate it contains the most powerful magic of all, be careful." He said and he vanished. 

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