Chapter Eight: The Evil Queen part I

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A/N: warning for you that are about to read this part. this does contain smut so if this is something you are uncomfortable with then please do not continue reading. 


A few months went by since the death of Milah, you and Killian had departed from Robins cottage and both searched out to find a ship, It wasn't like the Jolly Roger but it was close. You and Killian left the Enchanted Forest and set off for another adventure. Killian hadn't really spoke to you for awhile, but you were trying to communicate with him, hoping that he'd forgive you for making a deal with the one person he had disliked. Killian was in his cabin studying maps, and figuring out how he could get his ship back from Rumpel. You knocked on the door and entered quietly, "Killian...?" he looked up at you you and then back down at his map. You sat across from him and you placed your hand on top of his hook. He quickly moved his hook away from your hand. "What is it that you need Miss Y/N?" he said still looking down at his map. You sighed, "Will you just look at me?" you asked him, but he paid no attention. "Killian, I love you...and I.." Killian interrupted you, "You made a deal with that crocodile to forget about me, how do you think that would make me feel if you forgot me ? I would have been hurt!", you stood up quickly and slammed your fists onto the desk. "HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT! WITH YOU AND MILAH AROUND! AND HER TELLING YOU LIES ABOUT ME? I was hurt Killian, you believed her over me? that was the worst feeling, so don't talk about being hurt!" Killian's attention was now on you, you inhaled in and turned your back to face him, "I think I just want to go home now." you said, you felt your heart ache at these words and you headed out the door slamming it behind you.

You stepped outside of the cabin, trying your best not to cry. You were suddenly startled by one of the crew men "AYE! WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE!? ANOTHER LAND?", you looked to where he was pointing, then you heard Killian from behind you shouting, "HOIST THE SAILS GENTLEMEN! LOOKS LIKE WE'RE HEADED FOR CAMELOT!" you turned around and saw Killian steering the ship, his hair blowing in the wind, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling against the sunlight. You loved Killian, and your heart ached every time. Killian caught you staring at him and you quickly turned around back to face Camelot, you were finally home.


As soon as the ship landed port, Killian had shouted "ALRIGHT LADS, DRINKS FOR THE CREW!" and the crew yelled with excitement and jumped off the ship. You took a deep breath in watching each member of the crew climbing out of the ship, until you and Killian were the last ones on board. You heard his familiar footsteps down the steps and coming towards you, you turned around and he was standing in front of you, staring into your eyes , his eyebrows furrowed and he licked his lips. "Killian?" He stayed quite and stared at you for a moment, and lifted his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. He placed his hand on your jaw and caressed it with his fingers. You shivered at his touch, then suddenly he leaned in closely and placed his lips against yours. You gave in and parted your lips granting him entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he released you from the kiss, "Y/N, I'm so sorry" he said and continued kissing you again. You could feel your heart beating rapidly. You grew hotter feeling his soft lips onto yours. "Killian..I" he pulled pulled you into him and put a finger against your mouth, "Don't say anything, I just , I'm sorry for acting like a bloody fool again love, I don't know why I acted this way, If i was the one who hurt you the most, I love you so much." He placed his forehead against yours and smiled. "I love you too Killian."


"Come with me love." Killian grabbed your hand and took you into the cabin of the ship, he locked the door behind you and you both stared into each others eyes, Killian walked up to you and placed his hand on your waist and pulled you into him. You let out a small groan, and he smirked at the sound of your voice. He placed his lips on yours once again, and you parted your lips granting him entrance, and he took control. Your heart sped up, you felt as if someone cut off your air supply. Was this really happening? You and Killian? alone together in his cabin? so many thoughts came to your head, you had never felt this feeling of craving someone so badly, you wanted him more than ever, and no one could stop you now. He pushed you up against the wall and you shivered as you felt the cold softness of his hand as he began to slide it under your shirt. He released himself from the kiss, and began to kiss your jawline working his way down to your neck. You closed your eyes as your felt his soft lips on your neck, you tilted your head and let out a soft moan. He grinned at the sound of your moan, and continued kissing your neck.

You both immediately begin to disrobe each other, hungry to feel the touch of each others skin. You got him down to his black leather pants, and him to your undergarments before the both of you subsided onto the bed. He begins to bite and suck at your neck, as your hands run all over his body moving towards the front of his pants and sliding your hand down his pants making him growl into your neck. You slide his pants off so that you could reach his member more smoothly, stroking him for a bit he moans against your chest as he works over it, arousing your most sensitive areas. He moves out from your reach and begins to kiss down your body, running his teeth gently all over your skin as you grab his hair. You begin to feel the coolness of his metal hook against your body, trailing across your chest and slowly sliding inside your undergarment as he removes them, you gasp as his hook makes you feel pleasure. He runs his hook inside both of your thigh making you quiver. You then begin to feel the warmth of his kisses on your thighs as he works his way down to your woman hood, you tremble when you feel the pleasure of his tongue slip inside of you, you arch your back as he brought you to the edge and you moan his name loudly he looks up at you and smirks and kisses his way up your body, and places a gentle one on your lips.  You beg for him to slide inside you and he does as you command,  he pushes inside you and you gasp with pleasure. You grab handfuls of his hair as you feel him thrust inside of you. You both scream in pleasure, he begins to move faster inside of you and you both yell out each others names, all the longing of you wanting him to touch you, to pleasure you in all the right places was finally here, the more you thought about it the more he brought you closer to the edge. He dug his face into your shoulder as he thrusted inside you faster and harder, you moaning in his ear gave him pleasure. He brought you to your climax, and him right after. He collapsed beside you on the bed, both of you panting and covered in sweat.  He propped himself up with his elbow and looked at you smiling, you turned to face him and he caressed your cheek and smiled. "I love you" he said as he kissed your lips. He wrapped his arms around you and you both fell fast asleep. 


The next morning you woke up, the sun was shining through the window of the cabin. You stretched your arms out, and smiled as you replayed the night before. You turned, and noticed a note was placed on the table with your name on it. You got up and opened it up

"My love,

 I went to the tavern, If you would be so lovely to join me as soon as you are up. I have something lovely planned for us this evening. 

Love Killian. "

You smiled, and placed the note on the table. You quickly got dressed and put your hair into a pony tail.  As soon as you left the cabin a cloud of dark purple smoke appeared before you. "Well, your father told me you left..but he didn't say you were coming back", your eyes widened as you said her name.."Regina?"

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