Letter 16❤️

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•trigger warning•
Dear bully,

I stay home and read some of the comments

How could you and you nasty friends be so cruel

Go kill yourself

Nobody wants you here

Your too fat to fit in



No body will every be friends with you

I sit in the corner of my room and cry

The tears keep coming down my face

I run to the bathroom and grab out my blades

I cry and cry

I slide the blade across my skin watching the blood flow out of my skin and onto the floor

I keep sliding it all over my arms and legs

I start to feel dizzy and weak

I now can't see anything

I fall to the fall dropping the blade next to me

I black out and start to think

Is this it

Am I dying

Hey guys just want to say go read my friends Dear Bully story it's amazing
Her username is Little_Queenx  give her some love and read her story for her, 💩🌸💕 thanks guys

EmmaHLOL xx

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