*Letter 85*

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OMG THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!!! I'm gonna save my thank yours to the end of this chapter because there's so much to say and it would ruin the moment if I said it now;)

(5 years later)

Dear Bully,

So this is it the last letter of this diary for you!

Now let me catch up on everything that has happened to me for the past 5 years and trust me its better than what you ever gave me.


Yes, I did just say that, I am married to a guy named Cameron.

He is handsome and very kind and sweet, he's also very funny and knows how to brighten up my day whenever I've had a bad day at work.

Oh, and want to know something else good that's happened to me.

You really want to know!


Yes, I did just say that again..

They are both girls, ones 2 years old and her name is Ella, and my other girl is 8 months old and her name is Alexa. They are the best!

So there you have it I have my beautiful family and I'm happy.

Oh another thing I forgot to mention is my dad got out of prison and he apologised to me and he's been the best father ever, he welcome Cameron into this family and my dads also got married he's happy, I'm happy, we are all happy,

I also hope you have found peace and that you are happy. I have to admit I do miss you sometimes, I even go and visit your grave and put some flowers there, I sometimes see your parents there, They are well may I add..

I guess I should end this then, so well goodbye Lucas, I hope your happy, I know I am :) 


ITS FINSIHED *CRIES* :0. Guys I want to thank all of your for all of your support towards me and this book, Thank you to everyone who voted and commented lovely things, I am very grateful of how this book turned out, I hope that one day someone will read this and be inspired from it.

A reminder to everyone who has suffered or is suffering with bullying remember that there are people out there who care and who will make sure your happiness is there number one priority, Bullying is not accepted and it shouldn't happen to anyone, if you ever need to talk to someone just private message me as I am here for you. Make sure you don't keep it in, and make sure you tell someone, parents, teachers, students, your best friend, counsellors, and many more people who will put a stop to it.

just want to give a shout out these special people @hayleysingleton  @MadameGlimer @mooboo22 and a few others for giving me the most support on this book I couldn't have make it this far without your guys xoxo

pm me ideas for the next book, I love you guys, Keep your heads up <3

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