Bonus chapter

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Here's your bonus chapter ;)

Dear Lucas,
You may be asking why I'm calling you Lucas instead of Bully. Well after all these years I have decided to forgive you for everything completely. I didn't want to keep being angry at you for doing what you did to me. You broke my heart but I'm all good now


Hey again,
The doctors told me today that today is my last day of living. I'm laying in a hospital bed. I know this is a complete bomb on you but a few months ago I found out that I have breast cancer, yes I shed a few tears but I'm okay with it.
I have lived a long good and horrible life and I'm ready.
Maybe I will see you again. Hopefully, because I want to tell you something. Something that has been eating at me for ages.
Well here goes.
* no sign of life*
Maddie Payne, died on the 3 of march 2017. Breast cancer patient.

(Just my imagination of what it looks like)
I just woke up in this place that I have never seen before.
It's dark but there is a light straight ahead.
I headed for that light.
Suddenly I'm standing at my old high school. Our old high school.
Why am I here.
Is that you Lucas
In the distance.
I see someone walking.
There you were standing right in front of me.
The person I wanted to see
How is this possible.
I must be.... dead
You walk closer
"Hey" my voice shivers at your touch.
I can feel you.
I don't know why I just threw my arms around you.
"I watched you, everyday, you have a beautiful family, Cameron's a nice guy. And your children are so adorable"
I surprised when you say you watched over me.
"I've missed you, when I got that call my heart broke even more than the parts you already broke"
You start crying
"I'm so sorry for what I did, I was an idiot"
I smile
"It's okay, but we are here as Friends okay"
You nod
"There is  something I wanted to say to you for awhile now, I-i never stopped loving you"
You smiled and I smiled.
You were gone and I was gone
We both found peace
I love you Lucas. And I always will

Omg this made me cry. Well it's officially the end of this book.
I can't believe we hit 11k thank you all so much.
Special thanks to bbysavage61313 for coming up with the ideas for this chapter.
Next book coming out soon.
Ily Emma xx

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