Letter 17❤️

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Dear bully,

I wake up in someone's arms

My eye sight is blurry

I can't tell who was carrying me

My vision reappears and I see you

You are the one carrying me through the hospital doors

The guy who made my life hell

The guy who wanted me to do this

The guy who told me to lose weight

The guy who didn't want me

The guy who is now carrying me through The hospital

"SOMEONE HELP PLEASE MY GIRLFRIEND IS HURT", you shout at the top of your lungs.

Since when was I your girlfriend

I would never date a nasty person like you

The doctors take me on a bed and run me through the hospital

They inject a needle into my arm

I instantly feel faint and I black out again

I wake up with you holding my hand

I am now in a room on a bed with tubes attached to me

I cry

You tell me to stop crying and rest

I ask you why you are being so nice

You said you were sorry

I didn't believe you

I told you to leave

You bowed your head in shame and walked out

Pain spreads through me like wild fire

I don't show it through

I just think about what I did and why I'm still here


Hey guys go read Little_Queenx book of Dear Bully it's awesome she has just started it and I love it already xx

Remember... Anyone who suffers bullying there are nice people that accept you for who you are. Don't hide the bullying because it will only make things worse. Tell a trust worthy person so they can deal with it
Bullying should not be accepted #StopTheHate #StopBullying #BringBullyingToJustice
We are all here for you guys xxxxxxxx❤️💜💙💚💞
EmmaHLOL xxxx

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