Letter 84

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Second last letter ;)

Dear Bully,

I was against my door still

The tears wouldn't stop coming

Suddenly my phone

I struggled to get up and walked over to my phone

I pick it up and look at the number

Its the police!

Why would they be calling me

I answer with a polite 'Hello'

(some people may not want to read this, but if you do then go ahead)

"Hi is this Maddie"


"Oh, we are very sorry to be telling you this but your friend Lucas has been hit by a car, he was taken to hospital, but unfortunately passes away just before, I'm so sorry Maddie"

(okay you can continue reading)

I hung up the phone and fall into my already big pile of tears 

I feel nothing anymore no happiness.

why am I even here right now.

I can't

2 weeks later

I never thought i'd be saying this but I kinda missed you

I went your funeral

I thought it would only be kind to show up there in honour of your family

it was a lovely service

many kind words were said about you

I was asked to speak, but I just couldn't think of any kind words to say about you.

The cruel, selfish, playboy that broke my heart over and over again, the boy who bullied me and then tried to make me fall for you,

I'm sure this is what you want me to say

I did fall in love with you, I loved you

But I guess love isn't always rainbows and unicorns isn't it.

If only I never forgave you for what you did to me

You would probably still be here

Living the life I never got

The life I wish I could have had

So thank you Lucas for ruining my life and then making me fall in love with you, thank you fro the endless pain you forced on me, thank you taking away every last bit of happiness I had left inside of me

Thank you....


OMG GUYS.... one more chapter left and then that's the end of it *runs to the nearest corner and cries cause my most successful book is ending*:( Cya guys in the very last chapter!

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