Letter 80

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Dear bully,

We arrive at our new place together.

It's so beautiful

We get out of the car and walk up to the front steps.

The outside is just white but the apartment is big and looks beautiful already.

You get the keys out that were given to you and place it into the lock. You let me turn it round and then I push the door open.

We walk in it's so beautiful and perfect. I can even find the works to describe how beautiful it is.

We head back outside to unpack out cases. I place mine on the bed and unzip it pulling out my stuff and laying them nicely on the bed.

You came up behind me and wrapped your arms around my body.

"Do you like it sweet pea", you ask kissing me on my neck.

I nod too concentrated to answer.

You spin me around and kiss me deeply. You take my things off the bed and throw then on the floor destroying my nicely folded clothes

You lay me on the bed and kiss my neck.

I can't believe I am here with you. I can't believe I am the one you get to call yours

AWWWW they are so cute. But just wait for the next few chapters.

Now chapter 78 was a future chapter. Like later on in the relationship. And then last chapter it when back to now. So just preparing you the next chapter (81) is going to be in the future

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