Letter 18❤️

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You came into the hospital again

You sat with me

Why do you keep coming in

You made me feel worthless still

The doctor said I could go home

I wanted to walk

But you grabbed me and brought me to your car and helping me into the passenger seat

I kick and scream but you lock the doors when you got in

I was trapped with you

You drove off

"Please forgive me, I'm really really sorry", you say

I turn my eyes away from you

You sigh deeply

I don't want to forgive you

You have made me feel worthless and over again everyday

You don't have a heart

And you never will

"I don't believe you", I say

You drop me home and I walk quickly into my house closing the door and locking it

I run to my room and close my door locking it as well

I sink to the ground crying

Eventually my eyes can't take it anymore

They are red and puffy

I lay down

I fall asleep on the floor

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