Letter 81

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Heya guys so sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been very busy since school started back up but now that I'm on end of first term holidays I am gonna aim to finish this book! After this book ends I will be starting a new book, so if you guys want to suggest what kind of book you would like me to write just pm me and I will put your ideas into the next book.... so I will let you read this chapter now.. :)

Dear Bully,

I wake up to your arms wrapped around my skinny body.

 I smile as the memories of last night came flooding into my mind.

I look over at you and lay my hand onto your cheek.

You eyes suddenly flutter open and you reach you arms out and embrace me into a massive cuddle.

I lean in and peck you on the lips.

Then I see your cheeky smile, the one that send butterflies all around my tummy.

I get up and out of bed making sure you don't pull me back down.

I anxiously walk in front of the mirror that stands in front of me and pull at my skin feeling disgusted in what I see.

In a matter of seconds you were stranding right by my side putting your arms around my waist.

"stop judging yourself, you are beautiful just the way your are"


So... yeah that's this chapter,, pretty boring but stuff is about to go down in the neighbourhood so stay aware.. I'm only doing 4 more chapters and then I'm ending it ;) So till next chapter!! 

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