Letter 6❤️

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I came to school wearing long sleeves today

You grabbed me and pulled them up

I told you not to

You didn't listen

But then why would you

You saw the scars from cutting

You just stared

Then you walked away

Your girlfriend didn't leave me alone though

She grabbed me took me into the girls bathroom shoving my head into the toilet

I couldn't breath

You saved me

Why did you save a fatty like me

You said it yourself

You told your girlfriend to back off

You took me home

You laid me down on my bed and then you left

I never thought I would ever say this but thank you

Hey guys thanks for all you People who took the time to read my story

Anyone who is dealing with bullying I'm here for you

I have been bullied before

Everyone gets bullied

Your not alone

Dedicated to Hayley__Singleton and mooboo22

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