Soulmate AU (Adrienette)

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Third person POV

Marinette slow traced her finger around the green paw on her necklace. "Marinette why don't you wear your necklace" Tikki asked as Marinette closed the lid of the box that held her necklace. "Because I don't want people knowing that my soulmate is Chat. And I don't even know what the other side means.

Marinette's necklace was different from the rest. Usually necklaces have one picture, but Marinette's had two. On the other side of her necklace was a camera. "Well why don't you wear the necklace on the other side" Tikki said. "Your not going to stop pestering me till I wear it will you" Marinette asked open the box and pulling the necklace out. "Nope" Tikki giggled before flying into Marinette purse as she clipped the necklace one making sure the camera was showing before grabbing her purse and running to school, surprisingly early.

"Girl. Is that you necklace" Alya asked as Marinette approached. "Yeah. Unlike you I still don't know who mine is because I don't really want to wear it" Marinette said looking over at Nino who was just arriving. "Um I still don't know who mine is" Alya said looking down at hers which was a pair of headphones. Marinette groaned and face palmed at her blindness as Nino came up. "God you to are so blinded. Have you even had a good look at your necklaces yet. Even I know who your soulmate is" Marinette said looking at the two. "Who" Nino asked. "I'm going to leave it to you guys to figure out" Marinette said before leaving as the two's eyes widen as they stared at each other necklace.


"They've finally figured it out have they" Adrien asked as he slide into his seat beside Marinette. "Yeah. That's why I've stollen Nino's spot" Marinette said as the two walked into class. "You can thank me later" Marinette said smiling at the two before turning back to Adrien. Adrien smiled at her before noticing her necklace. "What" Marinette asked looking down at her necklace. "Nothing. I just really like your necklace" Adrien said before turning to the front as the teacher entered the class.

Adrien POV

'Marinette is my soulmate'. The thought ran though my head all day till break. I looked down at my necklace which was a pink flower before flipping it over and looking at the ladybug on the back. If Marinette was my soulmate that meant that she was Ladybug. I always had a small crush on her, but I never really thought of us being together even though I wished it would happen. And now it could.

"Mind if I joined you" A voice asked. I immediately looked up to see Marinette. "Sure. Where's Alya" I asked as Marinette sat down next to me. "With Nino. I'm really glad there together, now I just need to find mine" Marinette said. "Well I just found mine" I said smiling at Marinette letting my necklace show. Marinette eyes widen and her mouth formed a 'o' before smile and hugging me. "I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner" Marinette said pulling back and flipping over the back of her necklace to reveal a green paw. "The blond hair and the green eyes " Marinette said pointed at them before bursting into laughter. "And of course the puns" Marinette laughter. "Hey I'll tell you my puns are clawfely Pawsome M'lady" I said causing Marinette to burst out laughing . "Your Chat is showing kitty" Marinette said punching my arm. "Only when your around M'lady" I said smiling before kissing her forehead before noticing Chloe coming over. "Adrienkins what are you doing with Martrash" Chloe said glaring at Marinette. "I'm hanging with my soulmate. Is that a problem" I asked wrapping my arm around Marinette shoulder. "Y-Your soulmates with this" Chloe splutter out staring at us. "Yes, I'm his soulmate. So I advise you go find your own" Marinette said to Chloe who gave a huff and stormed away. "Did I just see what I think I saw" Nino asked coming up with Alya. "If you mean by Chloe getting taken down by us then yes" Marinette said smiling. "Why'd she come over anyway" Nino asked as the two sat down in fount of us. "Oh the usual. Marinette hanging with me and Chloe calling me Adrienkins" I shrugged. "Yeah that's about right" Alya said smiling at us not noticing our necklaces.


"I still can believe you being the flirtes cat and yet being so quiet in school" Marinette said as we walked to her place. I had wave my driver of telling him I would walk home. "And I'm surprised you can be so confident and brave, and yet shy and clumsy at school" I said linking out hand making Marinette blush. "We of course I wish I could act all confidence at school" Marinette said. "Of course you do. You rocked at class president, and standing up to Chloe" I said giving her hand a light squeeze. "Thanks Adrien. Want to come in and have some crosoint" Marinette asked as we reached her bakery. "Sure thing" I said smiling as I followed her into the bakery.


Marinette POV

I smile as I fell onto my bed. Adrien had just left an hour ago and I was already ready for bed. I close my eyes as tapping sound was heard from my trap door. "Adrien what do you want" I asked as I opened my trap door allowing Adrien to drop down and releasing his transformation. "I wanted to see you" he said. "You saw me early" I said leaning back on my bed. "What can I say. I just found my soulmate and I don't want to lose her" Adrien said leaning over me. "Adrien" I giggled trying to push him away but he grabbed my wrist and held them over my head. "What are you do" I asked staring up at him. Adrien smirk at me before leaning down kissing me. I immediately kissed back tilting my head to the side a bit deepening the kiss. Adrien soon let go of my hands and brought them to my waist as I reached up and brought my hands to his hair.

After it seems like hours we pulled away to breath starring at each other before Adrien leant down again only to trail kisses down my neck and to my collarbone. I gave off a moan, lucky my parents where at a convention somewhere  as Adrien kissed my collarbone. I soon gave a gasp then another moan as Adrien bit down and sucked on the spot. Adrien pulled away and smirk down at me. I groaned before flipping us over and kissed him roughly. Adrien gave a small groan as I tugged on his hair. I soon felt Adrien's hands slide under my shirt making me shiver. I pull away to stare down at him both red face and panting hard. "I love you" I said. "Love you too" Adrien said before pulling me back down into a heated kiss.

Hey everyone I am getting really bored right now so why don't I update. Also school holidays are coming up for me so that means MORE UPDATES.

Yes I've got about three more days of school, then a week of work experience, then I will be on holiday so I will be updating at lot. Till then my fellow shippers

LadyNoir out

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