Reverse life (Adrienette)

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(Marinette is the daughter of a Model/Fashion designer Ms Cheng, while Adrien is the baker son. Marinette still wants to be a fashion designer while Adrien wants to become a model. Also Adrien has a crush on Marinette while she has one on Chat)

Marinette sighed in loneliness as she walked down the steps of her mansion toward her limo. Ever since her Dad had disappeared her Mom had become distant and cruel. The only think Marinette enjoy about her life was going to school and being Ladybug. "Marinette" Natalie said snapping Marinette from though. "Sorry Natalie" she said sheepishly. "We've arrive at a school. And don't forget you have a photoshoot this afternoon" Natalie said. "I know" Marinette said climbing out of the limo and immediately spotted Alya along with Nino and Adrien.

"Hey guys" Marinette said waving to them as she approached, a light pink settling across Adrien cheeks. "Hey gurl /dudette/Mari" they all said at the same time. "You busy this afternoon" Alya asked. "Yeah got at stupid photoshoot to go to" Marinette groaned. "Hey Marinette" A voice said. "Oh god" Marinette groaned before turning around. "Hey Nathaniel" (bet you expected Chloe. Well no. She has been swamped with Nathaniel) Marinette said.

"Why are you hanging with these freaks" Nathaniel said staring at them especially Adrien. "Nathaniel these are my friends thank you, now leave us alone" Marinette said crossing her arms glaring at him. "Whatever, I expect to see you tomorrow evening at dinner" Nathaniel said kissing Marinette before walking off. "Gross"
Marinette said wiping her cheek. "You said it dudette" Nino said as the bell rang for class. Alya immediately grabbed Nino and dragged him inside. You coming Adrien" Marinette asked. "Huh. S-Sure" Adrien said as his blush darkened as Marinette grabbed his arm pulling him inside after the others.


Adrien sighed as he lent across the counter of the bakery. "Adrien are you sure you can take care of the bakery while we're gone" Gabriel asked. "I'll be fine dad, you'll be back tomorrow anyway" Adrien said smiling at his parents. "Okay dear. See you tomorrow" Aurora said kissing his son and leaving the bakery. "Plagg you can come out now" Adrien said as his kwami came out of his bag. "So this is you bakery. Tikki would go nuts if she saw this" Plagg said. "Who's Tikki"
Adrien asked as he started pulling out ingredients to make some croissants "Tikki is my soulmate, also known as Ladybugs kwami" Plagg said grabbing a piece of Camembert and continue to look around the bakery. "Wait my Soulmate is Ladybug" Adrien asked almost dropped the flour. "Oops I said to much" Plagg said before flying back into Adrien bag. "Plagg" Adrien groaned as the bakery door open.

"Mar-Marinette what are you doing here" Adrien asked going red as Marinette walked into the bakery dripping wet. "Hey Adrien. Just wondering if I could get a dozen cookies and a croissant while I wait out the rain" Marinette said looking back. "Sure" Adrien said before heading of to grab a towel and handed it to her. "Thanks Adrien" Marinette said taking it and wrapped it around her shoulders while Adrien grabbed the cookies. "It nothing. The croissant will take awhile because I just about to make them" Adrien said. "Mind if I help. I used to bake all the time at home before my dad disappeared." Marinette said as she started to tear up at the end. "Sure why not" Adrien said as a light blush settled itself on Adrien cheeks.


"Thanks for the help Marinette" Adrien said as he slid the last tray into the oven. "It was no problem. I was the most fun I have had in a long time" Marinette said smiling happily. Adrien smile back before moving to pack the ingredients away and wash up while Marinette watched him work. She couldn't understand how he could be so shy and nervous around her, yet she couldn't help noticing how cute he looked. 'Stop it you like chat.' Marinette though shaking her head a bit. "You okay Mari" Adrien asked looking at her in concern. 'But they seem so similar'

"I'm fine Adrien" Marinette said smiling at him and moved to help him clean up when she slipped on some flour that was on the floor landing in Adrien's arms. "Carful" Adrien said catching her and bringing her back onto her feet. "Thanks" Marinette said just as her phone rang. "Hello.....I'll be right there" Marinette said hanging up. "I have to go my rides here" Marinette said picking up her bag and looking at Adrien. "It's okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow" Adrien said as they walked to the door.

"I had fun maybe we could do this again sometime" Marinette said opening the door. "Sure. I'll always be here" Adrien said smiling. Marinette smiled back and quickly kissed Adrien on the cheek before slipping out the door and into the limo leaving a starstruck Adrien. "She kissed me" He whispered blushing bright red as Plagg flew out of his bag. "Oh god" Plagg mumble.


"Oh Tikki why did I do that. I like Chat. But Adrien. I don't know"

Hey everyone.

Finally on holidays so I will be doing so many updates on all of my books. Till then

LadyNoir out

LadyNoir/Adrienette one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now