Chapter 18: New School

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"Calm down, Dad. I will be fine, beside Andrew is going to start school here too!" Larra smiled at Jensen, who was getting panic about his daughter's first day of school.

"Yes, I know. But, I'm going to Toronto soon too! How am I supose to leave my daughter at home alone!!???" Jensen hugged her and cried like two water falls coming out of his eyes.

"Er...hello? We are at home too. She's not gonna be home alone and stu-..." Hai poked his head inside the room and pointed out his inex finger to make a point.

"Stop ruding the moment!" Jensen cut off Hai as Hai sweat dropped and left them alone with a sigh.

"Dad, I have to go. Andrew is already downstairs waiting for me. And don't you have a plane to catch with TSM?" Larra giggled as his bubble poped as he ran to his closet and started stacking his stuffs in the suitcase.

"Have fun at school! Tell me how is it?"

"Bye Dad!" She waved and left the room with her C9 bagpack with her Summoner name on it, C9 CrystalBell.

She waved goodbye to the others as she done her sneakers and left the house with Andrew waiting for her outside with his TSM bagpack behind him with his summoner name, TSM Mount.

"What took you so long? Lucky, we decided to go to school early" Andrew whined as they took their lead to school.

"Dad was whining about my first day of school. And he forgot to pack his suitcase. I hope they will be fine flying to Toronto" Larra laughed as they walked through the neighborhood, hearing the bird tweeted in this early morning. Everything was just so peacful. They came closer to their new school in silent and the taste of the sun. But it all ended by one loud scream...

"Move out of the way! Early bird is coming your way lover birds!!!" A male voice screamed as both of them turned around to see a same age boy rode his skateboard toward them very fast. They screamed as the boy hit them and the 3 fell down the grass of the school yard.

"Sorry, mates...My skateboard's wheels just got a huge update" an Australian male voice came around. Andrew noticed it was the boy who hit them.

"OMG! You okay there, love?" Larra looked up to see a short brown hair girl dressed like a tomboy in front of her, she has a Britsh accent.

"Are you hurt?" An Asian girl kneed next to her and asked with a kind smile. Larra nodded until she stode up, she remembered Andrew and ran up to him.

"Hey, you're okay there, bud?" Larra smiled, but she noticed same leafs were on his face. As she picked them out and saw his face, staring at her with his green gem eyes. They were so beautiful and ... hope.

"Excuse me? But, what did Mark do? And I think I haven't seen you two around here. Ever? You're new here, love?" The British accent girl put on her smile at Andrew and Larra, as she held out both her hands to help them.

"Yeah. Thank you" Larra and Andrew both took her hands and stode up on their feets.

"Hello, I'm Carla Wiston! Please to meet you, love" The British girl introduced herself among the others.

"I'm Mark Dashes, mate. Great to see new students come to our school every year" The boy with brown spiky hair and brown hazzel hair with his skateboard introduced with a huge grin on his face. And last but not least, was the Asian with long black hir and black eyes.

"Hi, I'm Yuko Sakura. It's a pleasure to meet you seems we are missing another member. I wonder when will he coOOMMMMMEEEE!!???" She fell on the ground, landed on her butt. As a boy hanging upside down from the tree. He laughed and jumped on the ground, helped Yuko up as she dusted her dress.

"Sorry Yuko. I'm a bit exicted! Oh, new students!" He brought out his gloved hands and smiled at the two. He has blone hair and blue eyes, he was slightly taller than the others, but Andrew was taller.

"Sorry, I'm Adam Morison. Please to meet you two. And especially you, miss" Adam held up her hand and kissed. It made Larra blushed and beside her...Andrew was getting jealous.

"How about you introduce yourself, mate?"

"Oh, I'm Andrew Bjerg. I came from Danmark. I just moved here since summer" He introduced himself and smiled.

"I'm Larra Chirstensen Jensen. I'm a Danish and German. This is the first time I come to a school, other then the adoption school" She smiled. It brough everyone, except for Andrew and Larra, shocked. Not because of their last name, but also Larra's past.

"Oh my god....It can't be. The cousin of TSM's Mid Lane. And the daughter of C9's mid lane. our school!?" Mark said while eyeing on the two. Yuko was speechless along with Carla and Adam...well, he passed out.

"It's that a terrible thing?" Larra concered about them along with Andrew started to see if they were still 'alive'.

After the conversation outside of school. The 6 kids went inside, talking to each other, while introducing where was the office and showed them their lockers. Luckily, Andrew's and Larra's lockers were close to each other. They were locker neighbor. Since, Bjergsen and Jensen both agreed to the school to let the two kids had the same schedule. The others were very welcoming, showed them their first class today. Lucky, the others were in the same class. Although, other times they didn't. What happen if 6 kids in the same classroom, happen to be best friends? Well, the class ended with a war and the teachers got rekt of course.

"Why are you guys so early to school? We still got an hour" Larra asked while hanging on to her bagpack.

"Well, we like it when there is no one in school. And we are trying to avoid a few people" Yuko quiet spoke as she looked down to the floor.

"Bullies? Yeah...I know" Larra chuckled, remembered all those bullies at the orphanage. But she knew inside, they were...

"Who are you talking about?" As stode there a group of boys. They weren't looking nice at all to the fact that their leader, stode in the middle Larra persume, has a smirk.

"Robbie! Why are you even picking on us? What did we do!?" Carla stode up in front of the group.

"Well, talking behind abut someone is not nice Yuko!" He monked as Andrew looked behind to see Adam and Mark.

"And who's the lovely lady? Newbies I see"

Larra just stode there looking at the group of bullies. It was the same when she was at the orphanage and the time at the accident that sent her to the hospital.

"Loves, let's go!" Carla turned around her heels and so did the others. But to face with more. They were surround it with bullies and they were too far from the Teachers' rooms. Yuko was scared of those boys as Adam tried to protect her. By the look of it, she was bullied alot.

"Come on now! Why don't you guys just leave little Yuko alone with us? We will take good car-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Andrew spoke up. He was done hiding, hiding in the shadow. Being bullied without anyone helped Larra, that was why he came with his cousin. He was not going to see someone being bullied again.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Larra smiled under he shadow of her hair. As her blue sinister eyes growl widely. She has had enough of bullies in this World. Christian or not, she would fight with fits and fits with anyone who did something wrong.

As the others, looked at the two with wide eyes, they were so sweet to met them for the first time and now, standing in front of them were like, they were guardians. Guarians protecting what is right...

Andrew and Larra both looked up eyes to eyes with Robbie and spoke with a dark voice...

"Let the game"

^^^To be continued^^^

...I dont like Physic tbh...

Btw, #topdie

Kim Yong Yon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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