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Just like always, I got bullied
...What can I is too short

I know God only gives us life and destiny. I learn that if you live in peace, sharing, you will get rewarded by the God from above.

I would spend hours and hour reading the Christan book...but kids here hate me for some reason...

"I wonder why no one adopted you yet?"

"I bet your parents left you because they hate you..." yeah, the bullies...I hate them...but we are still human, right?

No matter what they say, no matter how much I got bunch or kick by those girls...I will still remand my calm and mumble the song I love over and over again...

My name is Larra, I'm 15 and I am in the orphanage. I wasn't like any other students, I played games, drawing weapons, despite I'm a girl... wow, weird huh?

People belived that I'm a little like German or Demark or both. I have dirty blonde long hair, which I always band in diffirent way each ke. I have blue eyes, that some people said they were the eyes of hope and generous, but some said I have the eyes of an assasin. Not to mention one time, I was going downstairs to get some water, I didn't expect to see some boys were trying to get cookies. And plus, I didn't know I was making any noise, which scared me. I was always a softly walker...

As I'd reading the old Christan book..again, I hear the bell rang. So I close my bag and run to the centre. Yes, we have a meeting hall where everyone meet up. There are tons of people here. Seems like a sea of people...

"I'm sorry kids, some boys pranked us, you could go back" Prank...just a

I'm just gonna walk outside again...but, something is callng me to that room again. You can't tell why I love this room...very very love this room...

It's the piano room. I kinda like playing piano ever since I was little. I guess that's why it called me, to play it...

Most of my favorite song is 'Memories'. It's so beautiful, crystaly, but a hint of sadness...just like when I dream of the fire. I close my blue ocean eyes, let my long blonde hair down my back freely. My hands start to play on it owns...

I can feel something closing by...a foot step, no more than a, tere are 3 foot steps...3 people huh?

It's not my business...I just start to play the piano again, let myself flying in the blue sky, with softly white clouds...

"I'm quite happy that you come to our place" I hear the lady, who takes care of us, talking to someone. I guess it must be someone wants to adopt a child here. I glad they came, there would be another or more child going to find happiness...I'm quite happy.
I just keep playing that beautiful, so gentle, so sad...why? Was it lonely? I guess it is...

But someone interupts me with a clap, which scares me alot. I saw an Asian guy, with glasses and an earing on the left. The other guy looks older, plus he looks like a Chinese, a little fat though.

"Hey...what's your name?" the Chinese guy askes me.

"Larra, just Larra..." I shyly answer.

"Well, Larra, how old are you?" The other guy askes.

"I'm 15, living in the orphanage until now..." He's quite cute though. What?

"So, what do you do in your free time?" Like they expect me to say I like girlly things, but you're a Christan, you can't lie.

"I like playing video games, although, there aren't many games here, drawing...weapons....reading and playing piano...I guess that's all"

"Really? Do you know who we are?"

"How should I know? Beside I can't lie, I'm a Christan, and we don't lie" Like hell yeah, you're gonna take me...

"How about that? My name is Hai and this Charlie, but you can call him uncle Charlie now" Hai says. I'm a little confuse why...Like reading my mind, they say again

"We will take you to live with us for now on. Pack your things Larra, we're going"

I got adopted? I can feel tears on my eyes...

"I guess you're excited?" I nod and try to hold it back the tears.

"Now now, don't cry, there there..." They hug me, it's so warm and cuddlly.

"Now come on, let's help you pack your stuffs" I lead them to my droom, where 9 more girls sleep here with me too. Some of them realize that Hai and uncle Charlie are following me, which suprise them.

Hai and uncle help me pack my things, most of them are books, some cloths and guess what, a wristband, which said #C9WIN. I was given by my old friend, he was nice and usually visit the orphanage. His family works in the charity so we met each other. But it has been years since I last met him. He gave me a wristband as a gift, as a gamer. Oh, he always talks about League of Legendary or something like that...well, boys can's explain it...oh well.

I wave back the mothers, who took care of me all these years. I promise I will visit again soon. I look at the orphanage the last time before heading in a uber.

"Take us to..." Uncle Charlie takes the shot me. While I'm at the back with Hai. Hai? Hai? Strange name though, like saying 'Hi Hai'. How funny is that!? XD

After a 30 minutes of riding, we go out of the car. I kindly took my bag and look at the two man beside me...

"Ready to meet your new family"

"Yeah, I was born to be ready" I cross my heart for good hope and we slowly walk toward the house.

My life is about to change...

##To be contioued##

Hey guys...

I don't know why I publish this book too...

I just keep getting ideas and ideas these days...gugggggg

So, I guess this is the 11th book in the my work

Not to mention there is one on draft...that makes 12...books...

Why does my brain as too be so creative!!!!

Anywhy, I got the idea from 1D Adopt me...So I want to try

Hope you enjoy it :)

Kim Yong Yon

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