Chapter 4: Hai's grill? I don't think so...

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"That is all! You're computer is set, account for Twitch and you're HTC phone. Sorry, it's an old one"

"It's okay. But how come you got so many of these?"

"HTC sponsor most of the LCS players. We better do something with this room. Look a bit lag of color" Hai looked around the room. It's true, the room is all white, which seems blank.

"That's why I got this" I held out the paint that we bought "I can design a bit. Although, I may mess things up, so I guess 5 months?"

A knock interupted us. We both turned at the door and stude there was another Asian girl, she seems older and a little taller than me.

"Hey Hai, sorry if I distuping anything" She said.

"No you weren't. In fact, you're just in time" Hai welcomed her. Is she Hai's girlfriend?

"So this is Larra. Larra, meet XeXe aka Riot's artist. XeXe, meet Larra, our new member in the family" Hai introduced.

"Hello Larra, I'm Phuong, but you can call me XeXe or Winters if you like to" She sticked out her hand out.

"Please to meet you XeXe. I'm Larra. you uncle Hai's girlfriend?"

There was akward silent between the three of us. Very quite...

"No, I'm not. We are friends. Although, he used to have a crush on me. I'm Balls's grill!" She happily explained.

"Oh...I'm sorry for asking" I could felt myself blushing in shame.

"Oh, don't be, beside you didn't know that. But now you know" she contiued "So what do you need? I got the newest headsets, keyboards, mouses from HyperX downstairs".

"Really? I'm gonna check it out. You can ask her for help Larra" and he dispeared.

"I er... Can you...I mean...that I need to paint myself, wait what?! No, I mean, paint needs to by me...what!?" I started to panick when I meet someone new.
"Oh, don't be shy Larra. So, let just act that we are friends ok?" She winked.

"Thanks XeXe" I hugged her like my big sister.

"Now, we can paint later. We have to get to TSM house. They invited us to make some pizza for lunch and dinner. Spending the time with boys. You are going to meet Bjergsen's cousin. And Nikki! She's Bjerg's girlfriend. And Leena too! Oh look at me, I'm talking so much. Sorry" she nervously laugh.

"Oh, don't be XeXe. I'm quite happy" I put on a smile and she smiled back.

"Oi! XeXe! Time to go! And you too Larra!" Balls popped in the room.

"Ok! We will just be down in a bit!" She gave him an okay and turned to me again.

"Come on. We will come back once we're done" She smiled and dragged me downstairs.

We all walked out of the house and walked on the street, since TSM House isn't far from ours. We were just walking on a beautiful day. Hai took out a selfie stick and pictured us. I didn't have time to took noitce.

"Niice smile Larra" Hai wiked at me, that was when I knew I was dead @.@

"Is Hai's grill I'm sensing guys?" Sneaky started to talk.

"Sneaky!!" Hai shouted and faced himself in front of Sneaky....

And another monkey fight I suppose?

##To be continued##

Need to rush


Kim Yong Yon

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