Chapter 15 : Lilly

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"Y-You were hit?" I asked, he eyed me over to the marauders who just got into the shop. "Let me see it. How could I not notice that?"

Mark grabbed his handgun and gave it to me. He went into a crouch position before talking to me,

"That's because I patched it up earlier."

He then took a hold of my hand as we both went crawled towards the truck. I could see the gas tanks that laid over the back, it was weird that the marauders don't use this kind of supply. We were lucky I supposed.

Mark guarded my back as I checked the gas tanks. They were all full but the problem is, how are we going to carry these back to the cabin?

I needed an idea. If the marauders came here, then they must've gone on a vehicle. Mark chucked his weapon over me as I turned to see him pointing at a small car.

"We can load up the tanks in that car, and use it as a getaway." Mark began, I nodded. I could hear the clunking of items inside Walmart. There were shatters of glass and loud footsteps coming from within.

I followed up behind Mark as we got to the car, carrying at least one tank of gas. It was enough for our ride, we could siphon gas too from the small car if we needed more.

Me and Mark got to the small car, it was kinda like a sedan. A red sedan that was modified. Mark then tried to open the door but it was locked. We had to be quick, time was running out.

"I'll break the window, you get in quick alright?" Mark said as he prepared his strike. Hi lifted his arm and grunted a little. His mouth huffed air out against his patch. I could see red coloring his shirt, oh god.

He made a blow to the window but the force wasn't strong enough to break it. There was no way Mark could do it with the bleeding he was having. I went over to his side and told Mark to get to the other. I was going to drive, not him.

I used the butt of my handgun and shattered the window of the car, instantly dipping my arm and finding the handle. The car made a whooping sound from its horn, alerting the marauders from inside. I could hear them shouting on their way out, it was only a matter of time before we get caught.

Mark managed to lift the gas tank into the back seat before going in, his breaths were getting narrower every minute. I jumped into drive mode and pushed the pedal, whirring the car's wheels as I got to the main road. The marauders eventually got outside and began shooting at us. A bullet went straight through the side mirror on my half as it made a big hole.

Mark couldn't bear anymore of the pain. I was getting worried sick, the car wasn't even at 30km/h yet. Shit, this was so slow.

"Mark hold on, we're almost there."

Arriving at the cabin, I immediately brought Mark down and lifted him into the living room.

"Ken clear the table!" I yelled as he went to the long table and shoved everything off. I placed Mark on the table, his blood wouldn't stop coming out.

"What happened?" Marzia said in shock, her gaze was focused onto Mark's wound. "Shit, he's loosing blood to fast."

She pushed her hands over the wound, but I held it back. She glared at me, her hair flicked across my cheek.

"Sean, I'm doctor, I can handle this. Get some towels in the kitchen." She paused, "Quickly Sean!"

I nodded as I made my way into the kitchen, my fingers were trembling as I tried to find towels. I searched the cabinets, the shelves and found nothing. I couldn't use my shirt, it was too thin. Ken even took half of it away.

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