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Update: I've been sick nearly every day these last couple of weeks, so i haven't seen my friend James all that much.
Update: In drama i talked a little with Jordan, but she doesn't seem interested in my company.
Update: a freshman that i don't really know too well started talking to me today. She says she is into all genders.
Update: that same freshman just asked me out to the football game, but i cant see her as someone i'd date, she seems like a little sister rather than a girlfriend. Am i being too picky?
Update: i went to a football game this Friday with some friends. The 13 year old really wanted me to go because she wanted to give me a hug. So i texted her when i got there and she never responded. Haha i got swerved.
Update: Jordan doesn't like me and i can take a hint- i'm going to leave her be.
Update: James doesn't really talk to me at all and i'm scared he's pulling away from our wonderful friendship.
Update: This one girl i met in GSA (gay straight alliance) is really cute and super sweet and witty. Her name is Ash and she's a freshman. I can really see something with her in the future.
Update: Oh diggity hot dog i'm like really into this girl, and i'm planning on asking her to hoco soon. I just wish i wasn't so awkward around her! I'm so flustered when i see her that i don't know what to say. Agh!
Update: James doesn't even look at me anymore. It cuts deep.
Update: i made my homecoming poster! I'm going to ask Ash tomorrow.
Update: Ash said yes! We're going to the fair together this weekend, too.
Update: At the fair i asked Ash to be my girlfriend and she said yes again. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but looking back i don't think i'm ready for a relationship. Asking her to homecoming was great, but to be my girlfriend im not sure. Even if i am ready, i think it was too soon to ask her, i hardly know her. I'm stressing out over this too much and i need to think. I'm just going to take things slow and see where it goes. I'm not going to be a douche bag and just "change my mind"... i'm going to handle this like a responsible person with feelings. And who knows, maybe she could be the one.
Update: So my birthday came today, (September 28th), and it was a pretty great day. The couple of days before it were pretty awful, i had legitimate thoughts of dying. I'm just hoping that those depressing thoughts don't come back... ever.

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