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Update: So... i think i might be bi after all. I'm having feelings towards someone that i've known for a very long time. Someone that i care for and trust deeply. Someone that i have mentioned in past chapters of my love life. Guess who?
Update: I decided to break up with Zoe. She was an amazing girlfriend, but i never felt a true connection, i never felt like it was right when i was with her. I wanted so badly to be with her, but i have to listen to my feelings and stopped fighting against myself, against how i feel about her. I care for Zoe, and that's why it was hard to let her go, but if i hadn't it would have caused us both pain later on in life when we've been together for a year and i decide that i don't feel it's right. I heard from someone, that when you enter a relationship, there are only two outcomes. Marriage, or breakup. I couldn't picture us getting married, so i did what i did. I wish that she wouldn't blame herself.
Update: I spent the day with James, we ditched school to cuddle and talk and watch shows. It was a day of healing for the two of us, for we both broke up with our girlfriends the day before.
Update: So if you didn't already guess from that last update, i have feelings for James. We don't plan to label anything, and if we do end up dating, we're going to go slow so we can figure everything out. It's hard going from straight to bi so quickly, and to be honest i'm not sure if i am fully bi. It's also hard for both James and i to go from best friends to boyfriends. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
Update: There has been so much drama going on with James and me and his girlfriend (well, ex girlfriend.) it's too overwhelming for me. I have been by his side the whole time, and to be honest all of it is worsening my depression.
Update: James and I are going to just stay friends. It's better that way.
Update: James is mad at me. I don't know what to do.
Update: Thankfully James and i made up, last week was hell, but this week is starting to seem like heaven.
Update: James and i aren't labeling anything, but we still have feelings for each other.
Update: James and i are officially dating!! Everything is looking up from here :)

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