November 2018

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Okay, so this month is really foggy for me, so I'll write the things I remember in no particular order.

Update: Working with Juan is weird, and it's kind of stressful. He's a competitive person by nature, and I'm constantly stressing if I'm good enough. It'd be better if we weren't working together- although seeing him at work still makes me smile :) 

Update: We don't watch shows or do anything together when we lounge about anymore, we usually just sleep or cuddle without anything on in the background. But hey, I'm not complaining! 

Update: We go to Daiso together. It's adorable. 

Update: Juan gets really irritated easily, which is hard for me to handle. He's also impatient with me, and I'm indecisive and slow.

Update: Juan came to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was so nice! He was so nice! 

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