March 2018

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Update: I've been stressed lately due to the play I'm in, but it's going well so far.
Update: Tonight was opening night and Ezra and Joey (A fellow Outlier) came to see me! I thought the show went amazing, and the audience thought so too. Ezra didn't seem to think so, though. After the show I ran over to them and asked how we did, and they didn't seem to like it very much. I wanted to impress them so much, show Ezra what I can do as an actor and how much I've improved since last year's drama class.
Update: Ezra and I have been dating for another month!! Whoo hoo!
Update: I just found out Kennedy used to like me??! This was a huge shock for me, but I feel very flattered.
Update: Ezra, Juan, and Markie (An Outlier and our friend from last year's drama class) went to go see my closing night as well, and when the show ended I cried, feeling disappointed in myself, being hard on myself and my acting, knowing I didn't make Ezra proud. But I went out to go see them after the show, and to my surprise Ezra said how much I've improved and said he was proud of me. I involuntarily cried and was filled with so many emotions. This time I was the harsh one and he was the optimistic one. I love Ezra, and I love my friends, too. Now that the play's all over, things will be a lot less hectic and more relaxed.

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