Long ago✔️

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Posiedon's P.O.V.

Ever since she came out of her fathers head I have been in love with her. Her hair is a perfect black. Her eyes are brighter than the sun and moon combined. All I could feel is love for her but she will never return them for she is the favored daughter of Zeus and a maiden goddess. I just wishes she was mine.

Athena's .P.O.V.

When I first came out of fathers head, I saw one thing a man with the perfect shade of black hair and it looked untamable. His eyes are so bright like the ocean sea. Sea green soon become my favorite color. But of course someone had to ruin the moment. My father thundered (😊) " Who are you?" "I am Athena goddess of wisdom and battle stagery." All the gods went around and introduce themselves. His name is Posiedon. I found him very attractive. If only I knew how long our journey to get together will be.


I really hope you like this but it might take me a while to update and new chapters. If you want give me a idea cause this is my first fanfiction hope u like it.


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