Shooting range

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Poseidon POV
Today is the day. The day I die of course. Ares will kill me with a gun. Ugh it is 12:00, I have to go meeAres at the range in 10 minutes.

Ares POV
Poseidon showed up at 12:09, but of course I was all ready there. I was talking to Athena about not killing him. And I will try for Athena.

He seemed nervous when he appeared. I guess I made him nervous. Huh. Serves him right for loving Athena. When he got here, he said" Hello Ares." "Hello Poseidon." "Lets go shooting." After that we walked off.

Poseidon surprising knew a lot about guns. When I asked him about it he said people use guns in the ocean so he learned about them.

Poseidon POV
Ares is not that bad. I actually had a lot of fun. At the end of the day he said" I approve of you marrying my sister, but if anything happens to her I will kill you." I smiled and said" Nothing will happen to her." After that we left.

When I got back to my temple, on the ground laying there was Athena.

Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter. It is shorter than normal I know but I'm really busy. Also the person who got the trivia right was WatermellaSamelo. If I spelled it wrong sorry but she is one of the people who always comments so thanks.

Here is the next trivia:
  Who is Poseidon favorite son?


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