I love you✔️

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Athena POV

I was pacing when I saw Poseidon walking back to me with a slight limp and a bruised face with a black eye included. I ran over to him and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised at the suddenness but then started kissing back. After I pulled away I said" What did Ares say."

Poseidon POV

How am I going to tell her. Her brother is like her best friend. Finally I decided to just tell the truth. "He told me that I should not hurt you or he will rip me to shreds. But I love you and I will never hurt you on purpose." I said. She looked at me with so much love that I ache to kiss her again. " Lets go inside." She said while smiling her beautiful smile showing her perfectly straight teeth. I then followed her inside.

Athena POV

My idiot of a brother threatened my Poseidon. Agh. As I was pulling Poseidon inside I felt eyes on me. I turned around and there was Ares shaking his head with so much disapproval. I decided not to play him any attention and went inside. As we got inside I pulled Poseidon into a deep kiss. We were having a full out make out session and somehow he ended up on top of me. He then realized that he was on top of me and got up and said "sorry." "Why are you sorry" I asked. "I know you are still a virgin and I don't want it to happen now." He is so sweet! That is why I love him.

  Poseidon POV

"Athena we need to talk about something very important." "What" she answered. "What are we going to tell your kids.I hope they understand." I said. "I know they will now let's go to bed."

Unknown POV

  How dare that goddess steal Poseidon from me. I loved him and gave him everything and he still doesn't love me. Agh. I loved him first. I may of had to use a love potion for him to marry with me and have a child but he loves me. I just known it. I will do anything to have my husband back. MARK MY WORDS PALLAS ATHENA.

Ok crazy person alert. I hope y'all like this story and check out my new one. Ciao!


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